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Hola Everyone,

Thank you for your votes and comments. Means a lot.🙂🙂🙂.
Without further ado, here is the next part of this story. Hope you like it :-


"I HAVE MADE A DECISION, I ALONG WITH SUHANA WILL SHIFT WITH YOU TO A DIFFERENT HOME" said Sonakshi, as soon as Dev heard that for a moment he was taken aback. He was sceptical that Sonakshi would have agreed to his request especially given the attachment she had with her parents and more importantly her father. To an extent he had understood that as there was a time when he himself was devoted to his mother and put her on a Godly pedestal until everything went kaput and even if Sonakshi had denied his request he would have readily agreed. But right now, he was happy, happy that Sonakshi did not let the strain in their relation affect their child.

"Dev...Dev" said Sonakshi as he did not hear his voice as Dev came out his thoughts "Huh...Huh...Sorry So...I mean Dr. Bose" he replied as Sonakshi's heart cried at that moment while Dev continued "I mean, Thank you Dr. Bose" he said leaving Sonakshi surprise, before she could respond he said "Thank you for doing this for Suhana" he said as the very next moment Sonakshi replied "I am doing it for myself Dev" she said as he turned quiet, there was silence. For Sonakshi it was the silence of love while for Dev it was a silence of assurance, assurance that he will be finally living with his daughter under the same roof. All they could hear at that moment was each other's breathing.

After a few moments Dev spoke "All right Dr. Bose, I will get the house ready in 4 days. I have already narrowed down to a couple of houses which are equidistant from your home as well as office. Let me know when you would like to see them, so that we can finalize it" he said as a strange sensation of joy coursed through Sonakshi, she was happy that Dev was ready to include her in the decision making "There's no need Dev, you can finalise whichever you like, I am sure it will be a nice place" she said as Dev replied "Alright, anything specific you or Suhana need in the house?" he asked as Sonakshi denied it while Dev replied "Ok then, I guess from this Sunday we can shift to the house. I will get everything ready" he said as she replied "Dev, if you need any help do let me know" while Dev replied "Sure Dr. Bose" and bidding her a farewell he cut the call. As Sonakshi cut the call, she lied down on the bed thinking about her decision, finally she would get a chance to be with Dev, no her Dev under the same roof and this time she was determined, determined to not let go of her love again.


Five days had gone by in a jiffy, Dev was handling his work as well as the set-up of the new house while Sonakshi was silently helping him in the background like informing him about Suhana's favourite colour, favourite superhero, her likes, her dislikes so that Dev could set-up her room. They had informed Suhana together about the shift to a new home as the little girl was on cloud nine and couldn't wait to spend time with her parents together. Golu on the other hand was a little disappointed that Suhana was getting to spend time with his Bigcha but Dev reassured him that he would meet him every day and on weekends he would spend time along with him in their new house.

Ishwari on the other hand was happy that finally her son had taken a decision to move forward in his life, yes right now his relationship with Sonakshi was more like that of an acquaintance but she hoped that with time her Son could find that love back, she was unhappy that Dev was not ready to live in Ishwari Niwas but the reassurance that he was in the same city was a relief. Bijoy on the other hand had turned quiet ever since Sonakshi had made her decision, Sonakshi had tried a couple of times to make him understand but was met with silence as Asha asked her to stop convincing Bijoy reassuring her that he would get around with time and accept the decision, the good thing was he was at least not trying to make Sonakshi change her decision. Saurabh, Elena and Mamaji along with Dev's friends were happy that both had thought out a solution to untangle their tangled lives. And so finally on a Sunday evening after a Dinner at the Bose house and a tearful exit Sonakshi and Suhana finally arrived at their new home where Dev was waiting for them. As he took them around the house Sonakshi realized that he had done everything according to Suhana's and her choices except his room which was coloured with a combination of grey and white.

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