Chapter 6: Under attack

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Song: Danger by Bts

Yoongi pov.

"HYUNG WAKE UP." Jimin yelled outside your tent. You immediately ran out the tent seeing different men surrounding the camp side. You saw flames shining through the woods. You tried to get there but Jimin stopped you. "Yoongi hyung we have to get the other first before we can help."
Hoseok came running towards the two of you out of breath. " Jin hyung and Namjoon are gone, I can't find any of them."
"Maybe they are with the others." I suggest running towards the spot I saw flames earlier. Jimin and Hoseok followed suit. When you reached the spot you saw Namjoon laying on the ground unconscious while Jin made a doom of water around them to protect him. You saw he was using a lot of strength and you didn't know how long he would hold. So you blew at the doom what made it freeze. Jin looked at you thankful before trying to wake up Namjoon. Jimin was making a tornado and send it towards the people surrounding us while Hoseok blinded their eyes with sunlight so they didn't see it coming. You looked around searching for a short red head but the only thing you saw were trees and different bodies dropping dead on the floor. You looked behind you and saw that Hoseok and Jimin took out most of the enemenies a few tried to get to namjoon and Jin but you pierced them with an icicle. You ran towards the boys and made a hole in the doom so the boys could get out. Jin was helping a weak namjoon stand. You rushed towards them and helped Jin carrying the younger male.
"What happened?" I ask my cousin.
"He jumped infront of me when a dark arrow was about to hit me. as soon as it touched his skin he went limp. He is a idiot for doing that." Jin says.
"Oh shut up." Namjoon groaned.
"Where are Y/n, Taehyung and Jungkook?" Jin asks
"I have no idea." I reply.
"I will check the area from out the sky." Jimin suggest flying up. Hoseok packed a few remaining things that were kept intact while we waited for our flying pink haired friend.

After a while jimin returned without our last team members. "And?" Namjoon asks his voice low and weak.
"No sign of them, their part of the campsite is completely destroyed and there a burning rocks scattered around the place." Jimin answers.
My heart dropped when he spoke those words, I really liked those idiot boys and y/n was lately occupying my mind day and night. "They can't be dead." I say while my voice cracked.
"I don't think they are dead or their bodies would lay there." Jin replies.
"Unless the dark nation took them with them." I suggest.
"Then they can both be alive or dead." Jimin points out.
"Don't be so negative, maybe they escaped." Hoseok tries to give us some hope.
"is there a way to communicate with them?" I ask the other boys.
"I can only track them if they're in the water." Jin answers.
"I can try." Jimin suggest "I can send waves of air like a sonar and maybe they pick up the bodies."
"Do it." I tell him eager.
"We first need to set up another camp on a different place. It isn't save to stay here." Hoseok says.
"Yes you're right."

End Yoongi pov.

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