Chapter 4: Camping

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Song: blood, sweat and tears by BTS

"Let's set up camp here." Yoongi suggest. You look around and saw that you were near a river that streamed through the forest. Yoongi set up his tent along with the others. You were struggling with yours. Yoongi walked towards you and helped you set it up. When his hand brushed against your own your heartbeat increased. His hand was cold what was usual for someone who could bend ice. Namjoon started a fire so that Jin could cook. After all the tents stood you went to sit around the the campfire.
"It looks like we are camping." Taehyung exclaims resting his head on Jungkooks shoulder.
"We are camping, Pabo." Jungkook responds to his boyfriend.
"You know what I mean Kook."
"Oh just shut up and eat diner." Jin orders.
"Namjoon, you're boyfriend is rude." Taehyung tells your brother.
"HE isn't my boyfriend." Jin states
"yet." Namjoon finished his sentence before giving Jin a wink. That made Jin blush and shut up.
"Where are Hoseok and Jimin?" I ask the boy infront of me. they shrugged their shoulders not knowing where they were. You sighed and stood up before walking towards Jimin his tent.

"Jimin." You yell. But there was no movement in the tent. Where could they be you thought but your question was answered by Jimin who suddenly jumped outside a tree with a terrified Hoseok clinging at his back. You raised your eyebrow and looked at them confused. "What were you two doing?"
"I was showing Hoseok how it is to fly." Jimin says with a smug look before prying the scared male of him.
"And it is really scary." Hoseok says weakly.
"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy the wind in your hair."
"No it was just too high." Hoseok tells the pink haired male.
"Well I was getting the two of you for diner." You reply before they would argue again.

After diner, Namjoon and Jin where the first watch. You weren't sleepy so you decide to stare in the flames, enjoying the warmth it spread through your body. It looked like the flames where dancing, you could see eight figures dancing around another figure. Suddenly those little flames turned into real people. You saw your group circling a young male not much older than you. You were so engrossed in the flames that you didn't notice someone shaking you.
"Y/n are you okay?" A voice replies.
you shot up out of your state and looked at a worried Yoongi. "I am fine."
"It looked like you spaced out for a while." He says getting down so he was at the same height as you.
"Sorry, force of habit. I like staring in the flames, perks of being a fire bender." You chuckle.
"Well we are next to keep watch. You coming." He says offering his hand. You glady took it and let him pull you up in one swift move.
"okay we're going to sleep." Namjoon says when he saw us walking towards them. He dragged a confused Jin behind him. You laughed at the idiot act from your brother.
"Is he in love with Jin Hyung?" Yoongi asks. You.
"Yes." You say with a small smile "But I don't think Jin knows it."
"Well I know that my cousin fancy's your brother." Yoongi replied referring to Jin.
"Maybe they need our help to realize they like each other." You suggest.
"I rather late fate decide." Yoongi winked at you.
"Fine let's just keep watch." You pouted what caused Yoongi to smile.

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