Chapter 13

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I sat downstairs waiting for Kelsey to get ready. I fiddled with my fingers when I see a silhouette sitting in the doorway leading to the kitchen.

Mitchie stepped out of the darkness, "Hey baby."

I sat silent.

She continued, "Maybe after she leaves we can do some-."

I stopped her in the middle of her sentence, "Mitchie, what did I fucking tell you?"

She glared at me, "What does she have that I don't?"

Suddenly I see Kelsey walk downstairs as I stared in awe as Mitchie stared at her in anger. She walked down with a black skin tight dress that revealed her body figure with white high heels. She had her hair down and straighten it.

"Shit," I mumbled.

Mitchie stomped her feet in anger away.

She smiled while looking down at herself, "I hope it isn't too much."

She then looked at my outfit, "Look at you. I didn't think you even owned a suit."

I laughed as our eyes met.

I licked my lip, "Well we should get going."

She walked out in front of me as her heels clicked. I bit my lip as I continued behind her. She kept walking before I ran in front of her to the passenger side. I opened the door. As she looked at me confused.

I laughed as I cocked one of my brows, "Can I not be nice?"

She licked her lip, "It just isn't normal to me."

I shut the door and ran to the drivers side as I hopped in. I looked at her with a smile on my face.

"What?" She laughed.

I shook my head with a snicker, "Nothing."

I began pulling out the driveway. And for some reason I felt guilty not telling her about Mitchie. I couldn't keep it a secret forever. Especially from her.


Justin's mood was beyond flirty tonight. I didn't mind though, he is fucking hot.

We eventually arrived at the restaurant. I glared at Justin who was smiling.

"Justin, this is a really expensive restaurant. Why don't we go somewhere else?"

He snickered, "No. C'mon lets go."

We walked into the 5-Star restaurant. Justin grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. We continued to walk in to see everyone who looked like they had money blow. I saw one of my dad's friends from work sitting in a booth. I quickly hid my hair in front of my face and turned my face to the opposite side of him so he couldn't see my face. The guy was staring Justin down. Thankfully the waiter took us up to a secluded room. I sat down on one end as Justin sat on the other. A candle sat between us.

Justin smiled, "So do you like it?"

I giggled, "Yeah. The view is absolutely breathtaking.

Justin looked along with me at the view of Miami we had.

Justin broke the silence as he looked back at me, "But not as beautiful as you."

I smiled nervously as I looked down at my fingers not sure what to say. I was never good with compliments or how to take it.


The night with Kelsey was slowly ended as the guy brought me the bill. I looked at Kelsey as I pulled out a box. She focused on her eyes on the box. I then pulled out my wallet and opened to find my debit card. I slid it into the bill book and closed the bill book back. I then looked up at Kelsey. Who was still eyeing the box I had on the table.

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