Chapter 5

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It was the day of Justin's race and I had to go no matter what. Not only to prove he could trust me still but see how he races. I glared at Camila, "It's not even that bad. He isn't that bad. He could be a really good friend for me and you both. A protective friend." I say trying to convince her

She shook her head, "Kelsey, I want to believe you, but do you understand how hard it is to?"

I fiddled my fingers as she continued, "Kels, he is dangerous. He is in and out jail. He could murder you. You can't even be seen with him anyways because of his reputation."

I shook my head in disbelief, "Me and him would just be friends."

Camila repeated herself, "He is fucking dangerous. I don't care what you say. Other gangs would see you with him and then target you thinking it would bother him when in reality, it will do the absolute opposite."

I shrugged, "Well I don't care because I am still going."

Camila rolled her eyes, "I'm going with you then."

I shook my head in disagreement, "No, you aren't. I want to gain his trust more so just leave me alone with him for tonight."

She continued, "Imagine what your dad will say if he finds out."

I shot her a glare, "But he hasn't and the only ones that know is you, Justin, his buddies, and me. We keep this secret in our circle. Don't be blabbing your mouth Camila." I say looking at her. "Please..just do this for me."

Camila fell back on my bed with a sigh as I finished getting my shoes on. She continued, "Kels?"

I cocked a brow, "Yes?"

"Don't be out too late and get caught."

I smiled due to the fact that Camila was going to let me do this. It was a great feeling to know that she was going to let me go through with this. "Thanks Cam. Love ya." 

We walked down the stairs and my mom was sitting on the couch on the phone. She snapped her fingers trying not to be disrespectful. I whispered, "I'm going to Camila's after school. Hope that is fine." She shrugged so I took it as she was totally okay with me not coming home straight after school. I followed Camila out to the car for school.


I heard everyone downstairs being loud. I turned to the clock and saw it was 8:00 A.M. I rolled my eyes as I groaned in anger. It was too early for me. I haven't gotten no sleep lately. Had to take that bitch home yesterday who had to be back early and now my own boys are waking me up this early. I was pissed. I got up to see Jazzy and Mitchie eating breakfast. Brian, Derek and Pac were also seated at the table playing cards. I walked past Dom's room to get to the kitchen. I see him sitting on his laptop. 

I stand in the doorway. "What are you doing?" 

Dom kept typing, "Doing my daily check."

I walked farther into the room. "Anything?" 

Dom shook his head, "They are just talking shit about tonight's race and how they are gonna take your ass out." I chuckled at the comment. They could never. I decided to lean in to look closer at the laptop. I saw Dom had pulled up Kelsey's twitter. 

I looked at him concerned, "What the hell are you doing on her page?" 

Dom smirked, "I had to clear her out Justin. You did say her dad was a cop." 

I shook my head in embarrassment and pondered at the last thing she tweeted, 

@kelseymarie: funny how i lied to my parents again just so i could see you again tonight

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