Chapter 24

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Justin's POV

Sure Kelsey had touched on the subject about bumping into Troy back at the party but I needed to know more. What did he say? What made her run from him? I glared over at her, "So?"

She tried to act like she didn't understand what I was getting at. "What?"

"What happened at the party with Troy?" I asked curiously.

"He just scared me so I started running away. I don't see what else you could want me to tell you?"

"Kelsey." I said with a stern voice. I knew she was keeping something from me and I needed to know.

"Justin, for the love of god. That's what happened."

Kelsey's POV

Justin was so damn annoying with the whole Troy situation. I was not about to have him pissed off all day. Justin had a race the next day and he needed to focus on that. We arrived at some burger joint Justin loved and came to as a little kid. We walked inside and sat at a booth. Justin was silent for the whole time unless he was asking the waitress for something. I kept inside my bubble as well. I noticed Justin stare at someone with much anger. His beautiful caramel eyes turned black. I turned around to see Jaxon with the same man that came to up to Justin's door while he was in Mexico and asked me about Justin and his siblings. Now he was with Jaxon. I turned around, "Who is that?"

Justin kept quiet with his eyes locked on Jaxon and the mysterious man. I slammed my palms on the table, "Justin!" I stammered.

He locked out of his trance. He shook his head, "No one. Just hurry up and finish your food."

Our waitress walked back by as Justin got her attention and soon slammed a wad of cash in her palm. "Keep the change." He said as he kept his eyes locked on the Jaxon and the man. I ate the last couple french fries and took a sip of my drink as Justin had already stood up waiting for me. I got up as Justin put his arm out to signal me to go first. I walked out with Justin following close behind. I got into the passenger seat as he got into the drivers side.

Elliot's POV

I sat stalking Troy Bolton's twitter in hope I would find Justin's some how and figure out who that girl that is claiming him. I was about to give up when I ended up on someone elses twitter. I went into his following list and saw Justin Bieber. I clicked on the profile. Not too late after, a picture of Justin pops up in his profile picture. His bio read "Leader of Miami Assassins." I knew it was him. I then looked at his header with a chick with dark hair. The picture was too dark for me to make out who the girl was. I then scrolled down to his tweets.

"lunch with my baby."

"think im gonna let kels ride with me tomorrow at the race. shes earned it."

"im sick of all these fuckers messing with my girl. if you want me, come and get me and leave her outta it."

So he was in a relationship. I smirked. I had his ass. Now I had to catch him with the girl. Kels? Kels? It had to be short for Kelsey. I was going to show up at the race tomorrow night and figure out who this girl was and get Justin back into court and hopefully off Miami Streets.

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