Chapter 4

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I sat next to my dad and my grandma. I stared at my phone, hoping Camila would text me or even Justin, though he didn't have my number. The preacher then came out and began his long ass lecture. I usually just ignore him and mess around on my phone, but he began talking about love. 

"Love is the best thing to most people and God sets you up with people everyday. Some aren't the right significant others for you. They are mean't for you to learn, but God will get you the right one. Some of you found your right one already and others still are struggling to find theirs. Some may be shocked on who they will fall for. Some could be a criminal. Some could be in and out of jail. Some could be a doctor. Some might fall for an evil person, but that doesn't consider that they are necessarily bad. Maybe they needed you to change them to the person they once were."

That's the most I have ever listened to this preachers lecture. It was just odd how I just met Justin and he brought this up, but I didn't love Justin. I had no feelings for him. I could care less about him. If he died tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a tear. He is probably just a lesson for me to not sneak out or lie to my parents anymore. I just felt like he could be a really good defense. If that Troy kid ever tried to fuck with me or someone was trying to rape me. He would murder or beat the fuck out of them. Or at least I hoped he would. Maybe Justin doesn't need me, maybe I need him.


I laid on my bed ready to race tomorrow. It was nice to not have any females or cop daughters in my room. I could just lay on my bed without any worry. I didn't have to worry about that Kelsey bitch telling anyone about what she saw last night or meeting me because I scared the living shit out of her. She was pretty hot though. I smirked at the thought. My sister ran in upset. She ran to me and laid on the side of me. She was sobbing so loud which led me to knowing I was about to beat someone's ass.

"What the fuck happened?"

She could barely get out her words, "It-it-it was a-a-a s-s-se-set up."

I waited for her to continue.

"Troy and Jaxon were there."

I went dark, I hated the name of Troy and Jaxon and anyone who knew them. I have no sympathy for my brother's ass for what he did to me, Jazzy, and our own fucking mother.

She continued further, "Jaxon threaten me. He told me he was going to kill you and how I was going to become Troy's new boo. Troy began smiling and licking his lips. Justin, I thought they were gonna triple team me. I thought I was going to get raped."

I felt my jaw lock in place. My blood was steaming. I was going to fuck Jaxon and Troy's whole life. I got up out of my bed, grabbing my SMG. I was about to threaten them and see how they liked it.

I took off down the stairs and out the door with Dom and the boys following me. Dom stopped me from getting in the car, "Justin, don't do this." 

I glared at him. "I'm not going to kill them Dom. I'm going to threaten them like they fucking threaten Jazzy." 

Dom shook his head in disagreement, "Don't do it. Jaxon knows how sensitive Jazzy is. He knew she would come home crying to you. They want you to flip, Justin. What if they have this big plan to kill you when you show up? Jaxon wouldn't dare fuck up Jazzy anyway." 

I shook my head in disbelief, "Dom." I spat. "Do you hear yourself?" I shake my head trying not to think about it. Continuing to my car. "Dom, if he hit our own fucking mother. And about fucking killed her. He would do it our sister." I felt Dom's presence behind me. 

Turning around, Dom smirked shyly, "Justin, she came back home in one piece. She only got scared and heart broken." 

I got out the car slamming the door behind me hating that he was right. "Where the fuck is Mitchie?" I spit.

I walked back inside furious. Ready to punch somebody. I glared at her who sat on the couch with Jazzy sitting next to her. 

I pointed at her having my fingers inches from her face, "Oh. She's fine Justin." I yell with sarcasm. "Oh she's fine Justin." I growl ready to slap the fuck out of Mitchie in front of everyone. "Don't worry about it, Justin. I checked him out Justin."  She glared at me as I continued, "You have one fucking job, Mitchie." I say burning my eyes into hers. "One." I emphasized loudly. "I told you when you came into this gang. You were to watch over my god damn sister. And on occasion come to missions to help us out." I shake my head with my breathes getting heavier and heavier with my face now inches from hers. "You can't even do the most important job that I fucking asked your damn self to do." 

Mitchie fired back, "You think it's fucking easy, huh?" She gritted her teeth. "It's fucking hard to follow her dumb ass all day. Protecting her. Making sure Troy doesn't fuck with her. Let alone." She laughed with anger behind it, "Let alone Jaxon. Who is fucking related to you and her both." Still not breaking contact with me, "Justin it's a fucking difficult ass job so don't even fucking job. So don't start. You don't understand how hard I try to make sure she doesn't get hurt. But you know she is related to you and a Bieber. And everyone knows your rep around Wilmington. She can't have normal life, no matter how much protection you give her." She said with a smile

Before I could fight back, Dom and Brian pulled me back as Jazzy and Derek pulled Mitchie back. Dom pushed me out to the back door. "Justin, go take a breather. " 

I fired back, "Fuck no. I ask her to do one fucking thing and-"

 Dom stopped me before I could continue, "GOD DAMN IT, JUSTIN." He yelled, "Go the fuck outside and chill."

 I stomped outside as I kicked the door open. It slammed behind me as I took a seat on the chair. I pulled out the cigarettes and lit one. I was beyond pissed. My body was tensed up because of how angry I was. I puffed the cigarette as my anger was still boiling.

Dom then came outside and pulled a seat up next to me. "You okay?" 

I shook my head as I puffed once more. "Everyone wants to see me fall. Everyone wants to ruin me and my loved ones."

 Dom brought up that Kelsey girl, "What about that Kelsey girl?" 

I rolled my eyes, "What about her?"

 Dom snickered, "I don't know, you became a softy when she was here." 

I glared at him as I puffed once again, "No.I did what I had to do for us. That was it."

Dom laughed, "Justin, I went and checked on you and made sure you weren't burning that girl alive yet and she was passed out in your bed."

 I fired back trying to defend myself, "That's only because I wanted to make a good impression and not have her blab her damn mouth." 

Dom smirked, "Call it what you want but I think you have something for her. Justin, you don't let no one sleep in your bed. You don't even let me sit on it let alone lay on it."

I licked my lips before puffing again, "Even I did have something for her. Her dad's a cop."

Dom shrugged, "And.. how does that stop you. If you like her, you like her. You can't stop that."

I brushed it off. Even if I did like Kelsey. She had a dad who was cop and I didn't mention that me and him hate one another with a burning passion. Plus I never got her number, don't remember where the hell she lives. Plus she probably don't like me. She probably hates me honestly. I would  hate me if I was her, after all the shit I put her through last night. I needed to focus on my duties anyways as the leader of the Miami Assassin's.

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