Chapter 9

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I glared at Tremaine, "What do you want?" 

Tre laughed, "I don't get a hello or a how you been?" He chuckles. "Rude much." He says rolling his eyes.

 Derek spoke up, "You betrayed us. Why would we trust you or be friendly?" 

I spoke up, "You didn't answer my question Tre. What the hell do you want?"

Tre locked his jaw and smirked, "You know me so well Bieber." 

Dom shook his head in disagreement throwing his hands up in frustration, "Whatever it is. We are out." I continued, "Tre, what the fuck do you want?" 

Tre laughed, "Think of it Justin. You and the boys have $150 million. Buy whatever you want. You can buy new cars, new guns-" He stopped after looking at all the boys, trying to convince them to do it and then stopping at me, "Or take Jazzy to college since you were never able to."

I went into a daze with those exact words as they rang throughout my head. I could finally give Jazzy college. I could let her have what I never was able to, but my only problem was Tre. He betrayed me and the boys in the past. How would I know if this wasn't just a set up to get me caught and put me back in jail. I stuttered as I came back to reality, "How much are you getting?" 

Tre smirked, "I'm getting $100 million. Look Justin, I thought of you and the boys first because I knew y'all deserved it the most."

Dom shook his head in my direction, "Justin what if this is a set-up. So you can be right back in jail. Do you want to go back to jail?" 

I bit my lip, "Dom, but what if he is telling the truth. We could get brand new cars to race. We could get anything that we ever wanted. I could let Jazzy go to college." 

Dom spit back, "Justin, listen to your words. Are you smoking crack again? Tre betrayed us and almost had us caught back then. He lied to the cops to get himself off." 

I turned back to Tre, "Okay, we will do it, but on one condition. If we go down, you are going down with us." Dom rolls his eyes as I ignored everything he just said.

Tre sat in silence, "Fine, but I don't think we will get caught unless y'all are well known in Mexico." I shook my head in confusion, "Wait, what?"

Tre shook his, "Mexico? Mexico. Ya know..where the Mexicans are. There is this Mexican-American businessman that has $250 million to his name. We just got to plan the shit here. Go to Mexico for about a week and half and do this heist and come back."

I squinted my eyes and gave Tre a deep stare down, "How the fuck are we going to get back to America with $250 million dollars in our fucking pockets?" Tre laughed at the fact that I asked that question, "You don't worry about that. As long as you got passports. It won't matter."

I spit back with fury, "No." I knew where this was going. I may be young, but im not stupid. "Then we are out because that's asking to get caught right there." 

Tre bit his lip before speaking once more, "Not if you got a private jet and you know people here and in Mexico." I cocked a brow  with a smirk, "Then lets get planning." 


I squealed as I came face to face with Kaylee in the bathroom. She shook my shoulders, "Are you nuts?" 

I cocked a brow in confusion. 

"My brother dropped me off and he saw you with Justin. He is going to try to ruin you." 

We heard a manly voice coming from outside the girl bathroom, "C'mon Kaylee. We got shit to do before class starts. I promised your brother." She looked at me with sorrow as she replied back, "I'm coming."

She continued back at me, "Promise me that you won't talk to him." I shrugged, "And what if I do." Kaylee bit her lip, "My brother is going to try to kill you so he hurts Justin." She walked out the bathroom.

Troy was messing with the wrong girl. I'm not going to be his target for Justin's pain. I waited a couple minutes till I walked out the girls bathroom. I look both ways to make sure the coast was clear. The thoughts of Troy trying to kill me ran through my head. I didn't know if I should warn Justin and tell him what Kaylee said to me or just keep it on the down low. I pulled out my phone and began calling up Justin. It rang a couple times until it went to voice mail. I sighed as I was alone and by myself in this school. I panicked and began searching for Camila again.


I took of sip of my Corona. Victoria spit, "Why are you going to focus on a girl that Justin was seen with?" I cocked a brow, "Because it could mean he's in love with her and if that is that.." 

Victoria spit with more fire and attitude, "How do you know it wasn't a one night thing. He could've just dropped her off after his crazy, wild se-"

I stopped her before she could continue, "If you don't shut the hell up, you're going to see wild and crazy." She walked away from me without saying another word.

It's not that I was jumping to conclusions, but Justin was dropping a girl off at school. That girl had to be at least 17 or 18 and the fact she stills goes to school, proves shes not just some hoe who just eats dick all day. She had intentions to actually do something with her life. Justin was about to get a rude awakening with me again....whether he likes it or not. I was about to get an insight of this new girl of his too.


It was finally lunch time. I saw Camila sitting at our table. She smiled, "Thanks for not calling me last night." 

I sat down as I rolled my eyes, "I forgot, okay." 

Camila furrowed her eyebrows, "There has been 5 guys to come up to me today and ask if I have seen you? Anything you should tell me." 

I gulped, "Well Justin dropped me of today at school..." Knowing this probably had something to do with Troy situation that Kaylee was telling me about. 

Camila laughed sarcastically and shrugged, "So what? My mom dropped me off." I glared at her, "That isn't my point." Camila waited for me to continue. I knew Camila would flip out on me.

I licked my lips, "Troy dropped Kaylee off around that same time and Kaylee told me her brother was targeting me now that he saw me getting out of Justin's car this morning." 

Camila sat in silence with her mouth wide open. I innocently smiled. Camila whispered loudly, "I told you to stay away from Justin." She palms her forehead. "Now look. Getting targeted already bu enemies."

 I slammed my sweaty palms on the table, "Don't worry about it."

Camila snickered as if I was being stupid, "Kelsey, I hate to break this whole world of having this big bad boyfriend, but you need to stay away."

I shook my head, "You don't even know him." Taking a deep breath, "And for your information. He isn't my boyfriend."

Camila squinted her eyes as she glared at me, "I know enough about it. He killed his ex girlfriend, he murders people. May I remind you that your fucking father is a cop?" She got louder with each reason.

I shrugged, "I don't care. You just see the bad in him. If you actually would take time to talk to him and get to know him...hes not that bad."

Camila bit her lip in fury, "I'm looking out for you."

I turned my head as I stood up, "Well you don't need to. I can handle myself." I walked away without looking back at her. I couldn't believe Camila was trying to control me. 

The Fast And The Furious / jb ° jarianaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt