Chapter 22

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I stared at my dad as he said, "I apologize. I really do. We're family. Blood is thicker than water."

I've heard my mom and dad say that a billion times when I was younger. How my siblings and I need to stick together so no one tries to fuck with one of us. That's the thing though. I trust Dom and Brian more than I trust my own dad and brother. I despised my father. He ruined my mom, and taught Jaxon that he could do whatever he wanted. I missed my mom. She was the only one who was there for me. She helped me deal with hoes at school. She was a strong woman but she could only take so much until she broke and with her own son doing that to her....she finally broke. I could never have my mother back and I blame my dad and brother. I will continue to blame them until I get taken down and die.

My body began to get numb as continued to stare at my dad with Dom and Brian still holding me  back, "You're wrong. Blood is being related but having loyalty is family. I have my own family and without you or Jaxon in it. I  never chose to have un-loyal, disrespectful relatives."

My dad grinned with an evil smirk, "You're gonna regret this."

I laughed demonically, "I doubt it."

I see my dad turn around and start walking back down the stairs as I see Kelsey and some guy getting out of a car. My dad looked at Kelsey with a smile.

Dom and I stared confusingly as Brian stared shockingly. 

Kelsey walked right past me without touching or speaking to me, "Brian..this is gonna be super fucking weird but here's your brother James."

It was awkward silence until Brian hugged his brother with much love.

I quickly ignored it as I focused back to Kelsey.

I grabbed her wrist, "What are you doing?"

She winced as she glared at me, "YOU!"

I cocked my brows confused in defense. "Me? What about you? You ignored me all day to what hang out with some guy."

She rolled her eyes, "Is that all you think about is me cheating on you?" 

"You are so jealous." She spit as she broke my lock on her wrist. She walked into the kitchen.

I followed behind her, "KELS. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" I spat as my anger kept building more and more inside. She opened the cabinet to grab a cup. I slammed the cabinet back, "LISTEN TO ME DAMMIT."


I got in her face and pointed my finger in her face as I tried to calm down, "You listen to me and you listen good. I'm not having you think you can just gallivant without me knowing where you are. It's protocol."

She stopped and stared at me in disgust, "Did you just say its protocol? Because last time I checked I'm not apart of your illegal gang racing and not apart of your stupid gang. I'm your girlfriend."

I slammed my palms on the counter, "You don't get it do you.. I love you Kelsey. I love you more than you would know. You had me worried when you didn't reply. There is people that want to hurt me...and if they can't have me. They target you. I just don't want to lose you."

"I can handle myself Justin. I am a big girl." She stammered.

"I don't think you do. People would love to get their hands on you just to tear me down because lets face it... I would do anything for you." I exclaimed.

It was true even though its embarrassing to admit as I'm supposed to be some big bad guy. I love Kelsey. I would do anything to save her life...even if it meant taking my own.

She ran with her arms and wrapped them around me. I then hugged her back, she then looked up at me. "Do you still hate me for my attitude?" She said smirking.

I grinned, "Maybe?"

She hit me in my bicep playfully, "No, you don't."


I  then dragged Justin back into the living room to meet James. He began talking to him and Brian and laughing and I'm glad he got over his hissy fit. Justin's problem is that he couldn't stand me and guys. It was like he thought I was going to cheat. I mean I wasn't that dumb. He wanted me and he didn't want no one else to try to sweep me off my feet and take me away. The only person that could possibly break me and Justin up was Mitchie or my parents. I couldn't see anyone convincing me otherwise.

I saw Dom in the corner of my eye smiling, "Another person to add to our allies." He then nudged me in the shoulder, "Do you know how long Brian has been looking for his brother ever since he found his brother didn't go with his parents to France?"

I sighed, "I just met him at a party and he helped me get awa-" I stopped because I knew I had said too much.

Dom raised one of his eyebrows, "What do you mean he helped you get away?"

Damn I then knew I should've shut up about what happened with Troy. "Uh running from this drunk girl...she was uh trying to hit me." 

The only reason I lied is I knew if Justin knew Troy had tried to push Jaxon on me. Justin would end up loosing his shit. Trust me knowing Dom, he would tell him.

He smirked, "Well did you have fun?" 

I smiled, "Yeah it was better than I thought."

Then I see James point at me with a smile, "Yeah, she told me she was running from some creep at this party so I just stuck by her side because I felt like it was the right thing to do."

Justin turned to me with his emotions all mixed. He looked mad, confused, and upset that I didn't tell him myself, "Who were running from?" He asked.

"It was some girl. She was trying to hit me." I rolled the lie off my tongue easily as I just told Dom the same lie.

Justin squinted his eyes, "Don't lie to me. You wouldn't get scared of a girl like that. Who were you running from?" 

Everyone's attention shifted to me. It was everyone including Jazzy and Mitchie. I felt embarrassed and just before I was about to say it of course a knock interrupts me. Dom went to open the door as that was the new focus and their attention shifted as they wondered who was knocking. 

Justin still had his attention on me. "Who were you running from? Damn it Kelsey if you don't tell me..I swear." He whispered.

"Troy was at the party-" Before I could even finish what happened Justin had already went ballistic.

"Troy, ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY. No more parties." He whispered.

"Who do you think you are? My father. Justin, the only reason I ran into him is because I lost Camila." I spat angrily.

"I don't care. You think Camila is going to save you? No." He said still whispering so no one would hear us.

"I don't have to listen to you." I said gritting my teeth.

Justin glared at me, "You will if you want to live and that's a fucking promise."

"Are you threatening me?" I screamed.

Before Justin could answer he heard Jazzy yell, "LAUREN!!! I MISSED YOU" As she ran across the room to give this girl with dark hair with greenish blue eyes a hug. The girl was beautiful. She wasn't skinny but she wasn't fat. She was thick and she looked less devilish than Mitchie. I couldn't tell if Justin was still mad at me or if he wasn't happy about this girl being here.

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