To: You (A/N)

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To: You

No matter what people say, no matter how imperfect you are.

You are perfectly imperfect

I really just want to give a note to everyone who needs this note.

I know there are a lot of things happening nowadays, a lot of unpleasant things.

You are amazing.
You are beautiful.
You are interesting.
You are not a burden.
You are special.
You are unique.
You are loved.
You are you.

Why am I making this note exactly? Because I hate seeing people sad, I hate that people are suffering from problems and bad experinces.

I think this is also one of the reasons I made the last chapter the way I did.
I think it's my own way of trying to make someone happy.

It pains my heart when people feel like they aren't good enough.

You are good enough.
You are worth it.
You shine bright like the stars at night, sometimes we don't see the stars, but eventually they come out.

This is my little way of trying to help those who are feeling down.

I know there are people who need to hear these words, fine, maybe it's just coming from the person who's writing this fanfiction, maybe it's coming from a random stranger who you don't know, but I mean what I'm saying.

Everyone's been through hard times in life, we still are, and in the future, we still will.

But there will always be a way to overcome all those problems.

You are not alone.

Everything will be fine.

There are people in this world, who care about you, and those people? Can help.

Honestly, I am more on the optimistic side of life, so I just want others to feel better about themselves. I was always on the more optimistic side of life, and I have, I am and I will give people more positive vibes. I will do my best to make people happier.

And I hope that includes you.

From: Me

"Don't let anyone put you down"

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