Chapter 12- Stars

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Song Suggestions: Magic Shop by BTS, Best of Me by BTS and Pied Piper by BTS


Day 1

We settled in for the night, I had my own tent, we had three tents, the four eldest princes stayed together, the youngest ones stayed together and I had my own tent because it was "only proper"

Prince Seokjin was our chef for tonight, we all sat in a circle, awaiting the food. The delicious scent of mushroom stew and bacon filled the area, why bacon? That's what Prince Taehyung brought.

I looked over Prince Seokjin's arm... not shoulders because they were too broad .-. "That smells amazing" I smiled, he looked at me and returned the smile "Of course it does, I'm the one who's cooking"

A few minutes later, the food was ready, eight bowls were passed around and we each got some soup and a little bit of bacon on some paper plates, we all got three each except for one person... me. "Go ahead, take the last piece, Prince Seokjin" I smiled at the eldest prince who didn't hesitate to get the last bacon, he bowed slightly and said thank you in Korean "Gamsahamnida"

I nodded in reply right before he added something "Here, I may love food but I'm kind enough to give some" his fork was near my mouth and there was a little bit of bacon on it, I blushed madly and shook my head "No, it's alright" I waved my hand in dismissal.

"I insist"

I pouted but agreed anyways, the bacon was really good though, and the fact that a prince just fed me... umm... I'm not sure how to react. Prince Seokjin smiled proudly "No one can resist my charm~"

Everyone laughed but the princes seemed fed up with the eldest's confidence.

"Show some love!" Prince Seokjin said, pouting a little.

"Show some love!" Prince Seokjin said, pouting a little

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(My hEARt^^^)

Well there goes my fangirl side again.

(A/N: It's supposed to be a Namjoon chapter but I just had to add a lil' bit of Jin because food is FOOd and eaT jiN is eAT jiN)

"How much closer are we to Coral Heights?" Jimin asked. "Two days away if there's no delay" said Prince Namjoon.

"You are such a song writer, Prince Namjoon, even your usual words rhyme" I commented "You write amazing songs... you all do!" I said, noticing Prince Namjoon UwU a little.

-time skip-

I was left outside with Prince Namjoon, some of the princes needed to fix the final tent and the others were already asleep.

"Do you ever think, that all the people are looking up at the same night sky? Doesn't that mean we aren't really apart?" Prince Namjoon says.

"That's a very intriguing question, your highness" I said, looking up at the stars. Prince Namjoon quickly sat on the grass and eventually lay down, I followed his lead and laid down beside him, we looked at the stars together.

Living A Fairy Tale (BTS x Young!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن