Chapter 3- Biscuit

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Song suggestion: Fire by BTS


It's been a week since the announcement and everyone's starting to prepare for the day the princes come, all the girls went shopping and all that, make up and all, the guys got outfits that was supposed to make them look fancy and all but it ended up making them look like fishermen trying to fit in with royals .-.

"What are you wearing on the day?" one of my classmates, Autumn asked. "The day" was now what we called it.

"A dress" I replied simply. Yeah, yeah, it's not that unique but I still have to look decent. 

I was wearing jeans and a hoodie once more, my usual outfit, I'm usually fine with it... usually.

"Why are you wearing jeans and a- whatever that is- though?" Autumn asked.

"I want to and it's called a hoodie" I shrugged, smiling. 

"Oh... not really what we all like... but ok" Autumn smiled at me. I smiled back, trying to ignore a nagging voice at the back of my brain saying "See? It's not what they like"

I wouldn't usually care about what other people say, but this voice kept on annoying me, I ignored it with all my might though. 

Continuing what I was doing- which was talking to y/b/f/n- at that moment.

"How was History class?" y/b/f/n asked me.

"It was fine" I said, subconsciously frowning.

"You sure about that?"  y/b/f/n asked. My gaze softened, noticing her/his worried expression.

"I'm sure, I'm just thinking" I smiled warmly, reassuring her/him that I was ok.

"...ok" y/b/f/n nodded slowly, still not a hundred percent convinced.

-time skip-

"Hmmmm, which dress, y/n?" Emilia asked, holding up a silver and an orange dress. 

"The orange one" I replied, looking up from a book.

"The silver one it is" Emilia smiled, keeping the orange dress.

I chuckled, Emilia always asked me to choose between two dresses or two pairs of shoes, and she would choose the one that I wouldn't. 

Biscuit was cuddled up beside me, I was laying down on my bed, reading a book.

Biscuit's golden hair was soft and fluffy, she was still a small puppy after all, her brown caring eyes looked around the room, scanning to make sure everything was alright.

The rain was pouring outside.


The thunder outside rumbled, Biscuit whimpered and cuddled closer to me. I smiled as the puppy looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

"Without even trying, you have much cuter puppy dog eyes than Philip" I said, picking up the golden furred animal and hugging her closer to my chest.

I sat up and put my book down.

I ran my hands through Biscuit's fur and handed her a treat from my bedside table. 

"Do I look nice?" Emilia asked.

I looked up to see my sister in the silver dress earlier. 

"You look amazing, Emi" I said, smiling at my sister.

"Ohhhhh! I need to help you choose a dress for the day!" Emi's smile brightened up.

"I don't really need-"

"Of course you need my help"

"I'm fine...really"

"Let me help you, please?" Emi begged, smiling slightly.

I sighed "Alright"

"Yes! So when do you wanna go shopping?" she replied.

"Anytime really" I shrugged, letting Biscuit slide down my lap and onto the bed. 

"Great! Let's go! Get changed" Emi said, opening my closet.

"Wait, what? Now?" I asked, frantically getting out of bed.

"Yes now! We can't waste anymore time if we want you to get nice choices, do we now?" she said, not looking away from my closet.

"B-but it's raining!" I exclaimed.

Emilia faced me and sighed "Y/N, you're the only one who actually walks and don't forget where we live! We live in a place where magic exists" she winked.



Fun fact: Snow white is actually German (I searched it up, creds to this website:

The first part of the chapter just shows that y/n still has some flaws, I just wanted to put this out there because everyone has flaws and that makes all of us stronger- but we have to overcome them first <3

This has been my longest chapter yet lol, thanks for all the support guys!

Feel free to comment any requests or ideas, that's all



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