Chapter 7- Interview

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Song Suggestion: DNA by BTS (you'll find out why) annnnddddd Love Maze by BTS (once again, the lyrics don't really match the theme but- oh well... you'll see)


The crowd slowly formed a line, the youngest kids to the oldest kids.

Since Nancy was just a little older than me, we stood beside each other in the line.

"I'm nervous" I whispered to her.

"Don't be, they seem nice" she replied, smiling genuinely.

"Do you have any performance videos of them?" I asked, tilting my head to look at the line behind Nancy.

Before she could respond, Professor Coldsteel had something to say "You all know what to do, treat them with respect and do not forget your manners".

Everyone mumbled a quick "Yes, professor" before going back to whatever they were doing, I faced my friend once more- I was half looking at Professor Coldsteel as he was announcing stuff- "Do you have any performances that you could show me? Dance or something?"

"Yeah actually" Nancy replied, taking out her phone.

"I'm quite interested in their music" I acknowledged, recalling what happened last night.


"What are you listening to?" Emi asked me, looking up from her phone.

"It's nothing" I shook my head, plugging one earphone in my right ear.

"You sure about that?" she smirked, just as I was about to press the play button of this song called "DNA" by the princes, I haven't watched any performances, I've just listened to a few songs.

"If you really want to know, I'm listening to a song by the princes" I said, glancing at my sister, her eyes widened in surprise.

"They make songs?!" she asked, running to my side.

"Apparently so- here, listen" I handed Emi the other earphone, and I was finally able to continue the song. 

She plugged it in just in time, it was the chorus part.


A cool beat was played after that.

"Not bad, not bad at all" she said, fidgeting with the cord of the earphones.

"Right?" I asked, smiling.

-End of Flashback-

"This song's called Save Me, I think the beat's really catchy" Nancy said, handing me the other end of her black earphones, once I plugged it in, music started playing.

(The performance Y/N watches ^^^^^^ you don't have to watch it if you don't want to
Edit: I had to change the video because I realized Jungkook wasn't there!!! I'm sorry!)
The song ended with all of them kneeling down in a circle. "Woahhhhhh, I liked that" I said, wide eyed.

"I'm glad that I showed this to you then" Nancy grinned. I nodded so quickly that it seemed like my head was about to fall off or something.

She giggled "I feel like I've found a new fangirl"

I smiled shyly "Maybe you have"

-Time skip-

The girl before me came storming out of the room where she met the seven princes.

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