Henry, mystery boy

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Okay so I've been here way to long! Why haven't my moms found me yet? I wonder if there even looking... Good thing Tori's here though because Peter Pan is much nicer when she's around. Except when she's not around then he's a total jerk! I hate it. Thomas used to be nice also he was my close friend along with Luke, Cody, and Riley. But ever since Thomas and Peter Pan went 'hunting' he's been mean and acting like the new Felix but not as bad.

Peter Pan says I'm the truest believer and Im gonna save magic. I don't know how yet but I'm sure ill figure it out. Every night when Tori went to bed he would come outside and talk to me about it and he always would say that the day is coming up when I need to save magic! Then he would go off and wouldn't come back till morning. I heard Felix saying once that he was talking to my parents. So they must be here! I hope when my parents come to save me they also save Tori and her family...

Authors Note!!!!!!~~~~

Okay so if you have not seen Once upon a time then you're probably wondering who Henry is! And you should go watch all the seasons cause they're amazing!

He has Brown hair and he's like 13 in the show. Btw his moms are Emma and Regina. Emma is his real mom and Regina just adopted him. So go watch the show to figure out who every one is!

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