Just A Dream

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I'm running throughout the woods being chased by something.

I keep running.

Almost out of breath I pass water falls and trees and big boulders. Then i pass something i've never seen before, its purple and black. It's moving around In the air and I can see myself inside of it....except one thing is different... I look happy. My hair Is longer then it is now, and it's blonder. I'm dancing around the fire with all the lost boys and Pans there too. He begins to dance with me and he whispers something to me which makes me laugh.

I hear a twig snap and I look over to see Thomas.

"Thomas!" I yell "What is that?" I ask pointing to the purple black void.

"That Tori... is your future."

I don't move, "That's not possible! Why am I happy and with Pan?" I yell

"Tori" He steps foreword "Only you can shape your future" He pushes back a piece of my hair and I know what he's about to do.
He leans in and right before he kisses me he stops and falls over. I see an arrow in his side.

"Noooo!" I cry leaning down to him. I look over to see Pan with a bow. He walks over and grabs my arm and drags me away.

"No! Thomas!" I yell looking back at his body while Peter Pan drags me away.


I shoot up out of the bed. I'm breathing fast and realize... It was all a dream. I lay back down and take a breath.


I feel a disturbance on the island like someone that's close to me is in trouble.

I sprint directly to my cabin and open the door to find Tori laying in the bed awake but the second I open the door she looks at me startled.

I take a breath in relief.

"Sorry I though you were hurt" I say

"Well I'm not" She's still mad.

I walk over to the bed and sit down.

"Listen Tori I'm sorry for everything" she doesn't look at me. "But I can't have you leave"

She looks at me, "What! Why not? Can you at least let my family leave? You took my family from me and expect me to be okay with all this?"

"Tori, I can't let you go. Ever sense I met you you've changed me. I want you to be with me forever"

She gives me this look and says the one thing is never think she would say.

"Okay Peter Pan... I will stay with you"

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