My kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah Right 31

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Was death so appetizing?

Something was in my mouth, delicious and exotic. I knew what it was, I know I needed it but I couldn't get it. It was so close I wasn't getting enough.

"Marlyn I need you! Drink Please!" Someone was yelling at me.

The liquid flowed into my throat more freely. I was trying to swallow but it was hard. Maybe it was seep down on it own. I was too broken to do anything.

"Don't die on me Marlyn. I love you"

I recognized his velvet voice instantly. He loved me. I couldn't die. I wont die Marcus I promise.

My mouth was filled with blood, my reflexes began to work trying to drink it all up

"Yes, Marlyn keep drinking. Your doing fine. Give more she need it!"

I kept drinking and drinking. My senses were coming back, I was hurting all over I felt my heart beat and could hear my shallow breaths

"Fix her bones or they'll heal that way. Im sorry love this is going to hurt"

My leg was pulled outwards. My eyes flew open and I screamed and thrashed around. The pain blinded me

Cold hands held me down.

My other leg and arm was worked on at at the same time, a hand was over my mouth muffling my yells. Tears were falling down my cheek even though my eyes were shut.

"Its over love, its over" the hand came off and I was let go.

I wasn't ready to wake up yet, I was in pain.

"You need to wake up" His cool breath was on my ear. I opened my eyes slowly

He was there like I remembered in my dreams. Pale, big brown eyes, red lips. White teeth with those sharp fangs.

"Welcome back" He smiled

"I love you Marcus" I didn't sound like me at all

"I love you too." He put his arm around my back and lifted me.

"Stop, something's cracked"

"Your rib?" I nodded. He set me down "I have to change you or your going to die" He became serious

"Okay. What do I have to do?" I inhaled slowly, that hurted.

"Drink from me. Then Ill drink from you then ill give you a human to drink from" I nodded.

He bit into his wrist and put it to my mouth. I sucked hard on his wrist. Something in me went off and I couldn't stop. He had to yank his arm away from me.

"Good girl" Then he bit into my neck. I gasped at the intensity of the bit. Slowly my heart stopped beating then he pulled away.

"Here." a man dropped next to me. I closed my eyes I didn't want to see his face. I felt for his arm and bit into his wrist. It wasn't hard for me to break the skin. His blood was just as good but even better. Then it was yanked from me

"Never drink the last drops it will kill you" I opened my eyes to him smiling.

"Okay. I feel a bit better. I pushed myself upwards Nothing hurted yet

"Lets go home" He helped me up.

Matthew, Nicole and Sam was standing there. Sam looked the same but he had a glow to him, his lips a bit red and I saw the tip of his fangs. I nearly jumped up and down when I noticed that Nicole and him were holding hands.

"You two?" I whispered yelled. They nodded, Sam gave a sly smile, I bet if he could blush he would be. Matthew laughed

"Lets go you can talk to them later" He grabbed my hand and started pulling me away.

"Wait, wheres Trent?" I turned around searching. I looked back to Marcus who's face was blank "Is he dead?" My eyes began to water

"Do you honestly believe the devil would let me die" His laughed filled my head. I pulled my hand out of Marcus grip

"Where are you!?" Then I saw him walking slowly, he looked pained but he was smiling.

"I had to get put back together, my mom ripped my head off" He rolled his eyes and gave a big smile.

"What! Oh my God im so sorry" Tear formed in my eyes

"You die and your apologizing for me dying. This should be the other way around" He looked above me, I guess to Marcus.

"Where your Parents?" Not that I wanted to see them, I wanted to get far away from here actually

"He killed her, my dad is in his room. Hes going to be there for a while." He gave a small smile. I nodded. I couldn't feel any bit of remorse for her death, I hated her.

"I don't expect you to feel sorry, I don't. she killed me. She didn't love me" He sighed "Well, get going. See you later Marlyn" He nodded and walked away. Marcus grabbed my hand and pulled me away without saying a word.

We drove in silence, I was suppose to de dead. I looked at my palms they were still blank. I looked at Marcus he was looking ahead at the road, his face serious, I wondered what he was thinking?

"Im thinking how lucky we are" He turned and smiled

"I know."

We walked inside his house. It was packed with vampires who watched us walk across the living room. I was suppose to be dead and here I was. Walking breathing with a slow beating heart. We walked to his room. Funny how now my stomach had butterflies after all this.

He sat on the bed and took off all his clothes off but left his boxers on, I was transfixed on how amazing he was. After all this time I never let myself admire him but now I could. He held his arm out for me, I walked into his. He squeezed me tightly to me, I wrapped my arms around his cold strong body.

"You have to sleep. Its easier for your body to change that way. You wont feel it, Ill be here with you through it all" He removed my shredded dress off of my, leaving me in my panties. I sighed, this was the first time I willingly wanted to be naked with him. He lead me into bed He kissed me slowly I was almost sleep

"Wait what happens when I wake up?" I yawned

"You'll find out when you wake up" He smiled and kissed me till I fell asleep

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now