My kidnapper says shpwering together is bonding. Yeah right 3

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"Try this on" She tossed a bundle of clothes at me.

I spent I have no ideal trying on clothes. It was fun, I fount a lot out about her. She was 25years old but forever 19. She was the oldest. She was the President for the "young Vampires" She's had a couple of humans before she never told me what happened to them. Marcus was the 2nd oldest but she wouldn't tell me more because" it wasn't hers to say" but Matthew was his twin he was the nice one.

"Marlyn!" The door swung open and Matthew came inside.

"Knocking would be nice" Nicole was painting my nails a bloody red.

"Sorry. I was just surprised Marcus let her go so soon."

"I told him I wanted to play dress up" He laughed

"How are you Marlyn?" He looked concerned

"Im hanging in there" I wanted to ask him about the 2nd girl

"You have a question?"

"What happen to the other girl?"

"Ask me another time" He looked away

"Why not now?

"Because sometimes knowing everything gets you nowhere"

"Do you want me to walk you back to your room?"

I wasn't ready to leave yet.

"I know but Marcus will be coming soon if your not back"

There was a knock on the door

"Well there's no need now" Nicole sighed and Marcus walked him.

"Are you done?"

"Yes, let me put her clothes in a suitcase"

"She's going to my room just have the made put it in my closet" He was staring at me.

"Even better. See you later"

"Bye Marlyn" Matthew squeezed my hand as I got up.

I followed him down the hall. To a wooden door. He opened it and walked in.

The room was big with a big bed in the center a flat screen, a stereo laptop and clothes piled in a corner.

I didn't know what to do so I leaned against the wall while he sat on the bed and stared at me.

We just looked at each other for a while.

"Your pretty"

I didn't say anything. He just frowned at me.

"Im trying to be nice" Still nothing. I didn't want to be inside I wanted to go sit outside or something.

"So your going to ignore me" I closed my eyes. I knew he was going to be mad

"Damn right im going to be mad." I was being lifted, I opened my eyes to see where I was going be just dropped me on the bed.

"Im trying to be nice, Don't test me"

"Im trying to be nice, Don't test me" I mimicked him. I don't know why I was doing this I knew it wasn't smart but I didn't care

"Do you want to die?"

"Do you want to die?"

He choked me.

"I could easily kill you! You don't want to play games with me!" I couldn't respond even if I wanted to So I just clawed at his arm because it was getting harder to breath.

"Marcus!" He let go

"What!?" he yelled

"Oh, ohh, Im sorry. Wait is that a human?"

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now