My kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah Right 7

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Sorry its a bit boring, Its going to pick up In the next upload!

I fell back on to the bed.

"What you want to wanna do?"

"Well im hungry"

"Okay lets go" He offered me his hand and I took it. His hands were warm and soft.

The place was packed with people and a lot of them stared at me. I pulled my hair forward to cover my face. Sam didn't try to rush me through the crowd but he did have his arm around my shoulder.

We were almost to the kitchen when Sam pulled me back because I almost ran into a guy.

"Excuse me Miss" He did a little bow and his brown curls fell forward. He looked at me smiling. His white teeth, small nose, long curly hair. He was wearing grey slacks and a black button down shirt with a grey vest.

"Hello Aden" Sam's face turned hard and his voice was deeper

"Hi Sam! How was your trip?" He had a country accent to him

"Good" Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me as we walked around Aden

"Are you in a rush?" He was on the side of me keeping up with us.

Sam pushed me into the kitchen with Aden right behind us

"So its Marlyn?"

I turned around to look at him. He was smiling I guess another vamp getting a kick out of my discomfort

"Aww, noo im not its just Sams being very protective and-" He cut off mind sentence then turned to face the door

The grey haired guy I first met came in. He wasn't smiling at all. He had a blue eye and a brown eye. His hair was short but wavy it looked more silver than grey. He was a nice looking guy once you got past the different colored eyes.

"Hi sir"

"Aden. Sam" He looked at me "Marlyn" I smiled.

"Hello Sir"

"I have two problems with this picture. One why are you bothering Marlyn? Two Sam why is Marlyn down here?" He talked slowly and his voice was low.

"I was just introducing myself" He gave me a wink

"Right now go. Ill deal with you later..No better ill let my son deal with you." He smiled at Aden who was walking out the kitchen. He had straight teeth and his fangs were longer. But His son? Was he Marcus's and Matthews Dad?

"Your excuse?" He looked at Sam with a raised eyebrow

"I was hungry?" I didn't want Sam to get in trouble

"Well we have butlers you should not leave his room. This home is very unsafe for a weak girl like you. Sam I thought you would understand that. Where is Marcus?" he never looked at me once

"He's with Matthew at the mall"

"And your babysitting?" Sam gave a little nod.

"Well take her back, order some food lock her in and go own with your day. I don't mean to be rude Marlyn but until we know what to do with you. I wont allow you to roam my house unless your with my daughter or sons. You understand?" He looked at Sam then me. I nodded. This sucked but I wasn't going to complain I was the prisoner.

"I know it does. Im sorry. Hopefully something eventful happenes for you. Goodbye Sam." He walked out. Then the same lady who I saw before came in and what does he mean eventful?

"What can I get for you sir?" I heard an accent in her voice but I couldn't place it. Her hair was in a long ponytail and he eyes were more brighter and wider today.

"What do you want?"

"Pancakes and scrambled eggs?"

"Okay, ill have it up in 10 minutes." She smiled and started going through the cabinets

"Come on" He grabbed my hand and we made our way back to the room. I was still being stared at and some even showed me their fangs. I squeezed Sams hand so he could walk a little faster.

"Man, Im sorry about that."

"Its okay? So that's their dad?"

"Yeah, Hes really a nice guy once you get to know him. I call him uncle when we're in a informal conversation but most times its sir."

"That's weird. So who was the guy?"

"Oh just someone who lives here. Your bound to run into someone eventually Adens nice. Hes more of a flirt"

"Wait? Where are we because we always go through a hallway and end up in a big living room. No more like a huge lobby"

"You noticed?" I nodded

"Well it's a building we're in. But its fixed up like a house. A lot of people live here its where Vampires come when they visit our town. Its more building around here its beautiful outside. I hope one day im able to show you"

The door knocked and the butler came in with my food. He handed me my plate and left.

"So are you going to turn into a vampire?"

"Eventually. it's the only option."

"do you want to be one"


"You said it too fast"

"Because Im certain"

"If you didn't want to do you think they would let you walk away?"

"Im sure they would. But I cant leave. This is all I know." he looked down at his hands

"Well, you should see the human world its wonderful."

"I know it is" He snapped

"Then you do know you have options"

"Its doesn't matter. My only place is here. Ill live forever"

"What about having kids and growing old with someone you love"

"I don't want kids"

"Me either but im only 18 your not even legal yet. You could change your mind" I was talking with my mouth ful but Sam never told me anything

"Well Im sure. Well I don't think you are. Even your mom had you before she turned"

"Its not the same!"

"Well im only trying to make you see because I might be the only human you see and I don't know how long I have."

"Your not the only human I know" He rolled his eyes

"Well do you have a girlfriend?"

"Im not having this conversation with you" He got up.

"Aww don't leave Im sorry" I put my plate up and got up

"Im not mad but I do have to be somewhere. You wont mind if I leave you?"

"Oh, No Im okay." I know I looked sad.

"Sorry. If I gave you a hug will you forgive me?" He tilted his head to the side and gave me the cutest puppy eye. I giggled

"Im a sucker for a hug" He pulled me to him and hugged me tight. He was a head taller than me. It was so nice to be hugged. He was warm and he smelled really good. His chin was on my head and my head was on his chest with our arms wrapped around each others chest. He finally let go.

"Thank you I need that" My eyes were starting to water so I turned around to walk back to the bed, I didn't want to see him leave it would of set off the tears.

"Me too. See you Marlyn"he whispered the door closed and I was alone with all my emotions. I let a few tears drop, I had lost my appitite.

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now