My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding, Yeah right 30

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They killed her. Now im going to be turned into this monster who kills innocent people


"Not now!" We were both holding on to Matthew who was trying to fight us off so he could kill The King.

"Matthew Please hes gone. Shes gone. Im next if you don't try to help me!" I yelled into his ear one more time.

"Im going to kill him. Sam don't change Don't!" Everyone around us was watching us struggle with Matthew.

Trent was still on his knees, with Marcus dead body next to his. His mother looking out to the crowd of murders who were killing their victims. I needed to get to Marcus, maybe he wasn't dead. I didn't know what the King did to him but he dropped to the floor, blood was coming out his mouth and he stopped moving all together. Maybe he was in Acoma, maybe I could bring him back.

"Nicole, I need you" She turned to look at me with her red watery eyes


"I need you to follow me, im going to die and your going to change me right when I do okay" He eyes bulged, I turned and ran to the stage before she could stop me.

Everyone was packed at the front so I was pushing and shoving everyone out my way. I looked behind me Nicole and Matthew were doing the same.

Marcus was laying a few inches away from the edge, he was sheet white pale, his blue veins showing. His blood was gone that was it. I pulled out the razor I kept in my wallet and sliced my wrist. I climbed on the stage and shoved it to his mouth.

Instantly his hands came up and grabbed my arm harder. His fangs were tears at my wrist, he was starved. I was seconds from dying. He let go and I was pulled off the stage by Nicole

"Don't you die on me you fucking idiot!" She slapped me hard, my eyes opened a bit. She put her wrist to my mouth. I loved her blood, I loved that she was turning me. I didn't regret this or saving Marcus. I knew I was going to be okay. I just wished I could have saved Marlyn.

My insides caught on fire, everything felt like it was exploding. I coughed once and blood came out

The King entered my head

'You are dying for loving a worthless human Marcus. I considered you as my son, cruel as us, but you lost your way. This pains me to do this but I need to you went against me.'

My senses left me and I hit the hard floor.

I smelled blood right under my nose, then it was on my lips. My instincts kicked in. I grabbed whoevers arm this was and sucked it dry. I drained who ever it was and let go.

"Don't you die on me you fucking idiot!" I recognized Nicole's voice. Was that Sam I just killed?

"Bro! wake up you need to get up!" Mat was yelling in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly, everything was blurry. But I spotted Mat, he was fight another vampire. Everyone was fighting.

I got up quickly and turned to see what happened to Marlyn, she was lying on the ground, bloody with her bones sticking out of her pale skinny body. She was dead.

Trent was on his knees, his mother watching me smiling a bit. The king in the back watching me also.

What the hell was I suppose to do. Matthew jumped onto the stage and stood next to me.

"Want to die also?" Anna whispered. I looked down to Trent we locked eyes. I wasn't going to die again.

The king stepped on Marlyn body and walked towards us smiling

"Don't be brave, be thankful you alive. Ill give you a second chance"

"There are no second chances" Anna snapped

"There will be today. Release him" He eyed his wife

"No" she grabbed Trents head and tore it off his shoulders.

"You bitch!!" The King yelled. He grabbed her, shaking her violently. He shoved her to the ground. Her high pitched screamed consumed the clearing. Then she caught on fire. The fire disappeared and left a pile of ashes that the wind swept away

The King dropped to his knees, he grabbed Trents head. He pushed it back to his shoulders and bit into his wrist. Letting the blood drop into his neck. The blood would help the process. Trent was going to live.

I ran to Marlyns dead body, and kneeled beside her. Her brown hair was stringy, the was a bald shot in the back where her was ripped out. He arm and both legs were broken. She was cold and empty. My love gone forever.

I laid my head on her chest and closed my eyes.

But then I heard a faint noise. It couldn't be. I looked out to see where I heard it but it was hers. I put my ear back to her chest. Her heart was beating every two minutes. She was still living, but barely.

I bit my wrist and shoved it into her mouth.

The blood, was spilling out of her mouth she wasn't responding. I hit her in her chest. Maybe I could start her heart, make it beat a bit faster. She was hardly breathing, her organs were failing.

"Marlyn I need you! Drink Please!" I yelled at her

I opened her mouth wider and moved her tongue so it could get into my throat.

Matthew, Nicole and Sam were standing behind me, watching and waiting.

"Don't die on me Marlyn. I love you" I whispered into her ear.

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now