My kidnappers says showering together is bonding. Yeah right 28

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I ran straight to him, the legs pointing forward I was going to lodge in his chest. He stood there with his hands crossed grinning widely. I knew this was dumb I was going to regret it but I couldn't stop now.

The chair was knocked out my hands and I was hit in the face I flew backwards and skidded on the floor.

His foot came down on my stomach pressing lightly.

"Are you done with your childish games?" I nodded.

He lifted his foot, grabbed my hair and began to drag me. I yelled and yelled. Maybe something would click and some one would help me. I didn't get that but I heard the yells of all the victims.

He dropped me on the floor, I looked out to the crowd my vision was blurry but I saw some trying to run away. Poor them it was hopeless. They shouldn't try to follow me I knew I was going to die. This was a suicide mission.

"This is what happened to humans who think they are superior to us Vampires!" I was kicked hard in back I yelled. Something was cracked I heard him laughing.

I started crawling away slowly, but his nails dug into my skin, raising me upwards.

"Marcus Come Here!" No this couldn't be happening. I started wiggling in his grip trying to get loose, but all I was doing was digging myself deeper into those sharp nails. I Knew I was bleeding.

I was thrown and caught in Marcus hands. I looked up at him, his face was cold and hard as stone but his eyes told me different they were strained and he was blinking to much

"Don't trust him" I whispered "Hes going to hurt me then you" He looked back up at the King

"Bite her"

He looked back down to me. I gave a small nod and moved my head to the side. I rather him kill me then that damn King

He leaned in to bite me, I closed my eyes waiting and waiting but it never came. I opened them to only be looking at Anna who wasn't smiling as usua

I turned my head, Marcus was on the ground with the King on top of him blocking my view. The crowd was dead quite.

What was happening. I had to save Marcus, he couldn't die.

I balled my fist and hit the Queen right in the face a few times. She was so surprised she let go and I jumped down, stumbling and jumped onto the Kings back. I clawed at his face while he stood up and shook me off. I flew once more but I knew this time I'd done some damage. My nails had blood on them

The Queen rushed me, kneeled down and chocked up. I scratched hopelessly at her arm. I was seconds away from passing out but then she let go. Standing over me. All the kindness I knew gone replaced with a evil hateful look.

"I have been betrayed today by Marcus and by my own son. Over this worthless body of blood. Trent I order you here at this moment!"

I couldn't see Marcus, I hoped like hell Trent was smart to run while he could.

"Father!" Trent was yelling repeatedly

"You betrayed me for this"

"I did not betray you!" The Queen looked down to me once more and left to go stand Next to her husband. I sat up to see what was happening

Marcus was lying on his stomach not moving. Trent was being held by two large Vampire. The King was facing him with his wife standing next to him.

Trent fell to his knees, his mouth open but no sound coming out of him. His mother walked closer to him, putting her hand ontop of his head

"My son, why do you lie?"

"Im not lying" He coughed and blood came out.

"Then my son you leave me no choice" He dropped his head and she looked over to her husband. They were locked in a silent conversation

I couldn't let him die for me. It wouldn't save me at all tonight. I stumbled up

"Kill Me Instead!!" I threw my arms out and walked towards them "Don't kill your only son for me!"

As I got closer I saw blood on Marcus. He wasn't mpving. My eyes began to water. How could they?

"We are going to kill you" The King stepped towards me

"No kill just me"

"Then where the fun in that. You said we needed entertainment" He grinned

"This is not entertainment when you kill your only child that's murder!" I yelled loudly "All of you are sick and twisted your standing there watching him kill his own son! Do something!" I looked out to the crowd and spotted Nicole, Matthew and Sam. All three holding on to each other, or maybe holding on to Matthew who looked murderous

"Murder? Its justice How dare you. This is what got you in the situation you are now!"

"Because you're a horrible king. You make the rules as you go. Your unfair your horrible. I bet no one likes you!"

He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, the pain was horrible I screamed and screamed then he pulled one more time, my arm was broken. He let go and I fell to the ground crying

"I hope you burn in hell!" I was sobbing

"This is hell!" The crowd yelled again. The pain was horrible, I didn't know if I could fight anymore I closed my eyes. I tried.

"Mother Please don't do this" Trent whispered

"Im sorry Son" Her voice was cold and emotionless

I couldn't let them die for me.

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now