My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah Right! 20

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I turned the water off, wrapped a towel around me and walked into the bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, still naked with his head in his hands

Something about it looked wrong.

"Marcus" I whispered he didn't looked up. I walked and sat next to him "Whats wrong?" Still no reply. I got up and went into the closet to put some clothes on.

I came out and he was wearing basketball shorts. His clothes were all over the floor. Since ive been here I didn't try to clean up I wasn't his maid.

"You talk to much"


"You talk to much"

"I havent said a word" He looked up at me

"What can I do?"

"But," I closed my mouth

"Its okay. Sometimes I like to listen to you. Like a few minutes ago" He smiled

"Then why did you leave?"

"Because your this stupid girl, who defining the odds. You've almost died 5times. You keep asking for someone to kill you and no one will" He shook his head "Then here I am, the unmerciful Marcus infatuated by you. What is it about you?" He looked at me frowning. "Everyday I listen to your thoughts and I try to understand why your like this. But I get nothing. Im hooked on you. You wouldn't even know if I didn't tell you. You probably don't even believe me. You probably think your just a toy. I hope you don't believe me. I hope that you know one day your luck is going to run out. That your going to die in my hands. No one elses. But now im angry at myself. I should just take you and strip you of all the senses and courage you have in your tiny body. I shouldn't be trying to save you for another day not promised. But I am. I hate you but I need you and the delicious blood you continue to pump just for me." He stood up and walked in front of me. He cupped my face and gave a sad smile. I was still as a statue, holding my breath for the unknown.

He leaned down to my eye level

"Do you hear me?" I gave a small nod.

"Do you understand me" I nodded

"I need you" He inhaled deeply

"I want you" I nodded

"Don't nod to something you don't understand" I nodded again. Automatic. He rolled his eyes

"Im going to take you because you belong to me"

"Wha-" His mouth crushed to mine, I was lifted and tossed onto the bed. My close was ripped off of me. I didn't have it in me to fight or yell. I watched with wide eyes as he leaned into my neck. Biting down hard. I inhaled deeply. I wasn't going to scream. Not tonight. He needed this, who was I to deny him of this.

He put his wrist to his mouth, bit down and shoved it into my mouth. I couldn't stop myself. I drank it like it was water. He went back to attacking my neck. I didn't feel the pain, I didn't feel anything but fire and a thirst that wasn't in me a few seconds ago.

His wrist was yanked from my mouth, my eyes flew open and I held my breath.

Marcus was in a death glare with his father.

"Marcus what is this?" He didn't reply.

"Answer me!" No reply.

His father looked at me. Everything went black. My inside felt as though they were on fire. I couldn't tell if I was yelling or not. I just wished someone could pour water on me, or stop the pain. I was hot all over, it was getting harder to breath. I was completely cut off from my body. I was in hell burning alive. This was it. I was dying for sure this time.

I felt wet all over. I opened my eyes and swallowed a mouth full of water.

"Crap!" I was hit in the center of my chest. I spit up all the water.

Matthew was standing over my smiling.

"What the hell?" I was coughing

"Sorry, I didn't know you were going to wake up"

"What happened? Where's Marcus"

"Im right here" He called out but I still couldn't see him

"What happened?"

"Um" He looked behind him, I tried to move but his hand pushed me back down "Well, our dad is strong and, and well he set you on fire. Not enough that would kill you but it was to burn our blood out of you" I started struggling under him to see my body and I couldn't see anything.

"Matthew, Please let me see myself" My eyes began to water. He burned me? Why would he do that? It wasn't my fault.

"Marlyn stop crying. Your not burned, nothing is burned"

"Then why are you pouring water on me" Tears just kept falling.

"This isn't regular water. Its like a cooling Gel and it helps your body to heal a bit from the pain." I stopped crying

"Oh, so no burns?" He shook his head "How long do I have to stay like this?"

"Um another 30minutes" I was starting to feel the pain. So I closed my eyes so I could get back to sleep

I still couldn't believe he burned me. It wasn't my fault. Why didn't he just kill me? It would have been better than me having to face him. Having to deal with Trent. Talk to Marcus. Avoid a building full of vampire. It would have been better to kill me.

Sorry everyone for not posting sooner everyone in my house got a summer flu & I was the only 1 who didn't get sick. So im playing doctor for the next week. So sorry bout the lateness & how short this is.

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now