The Accident

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After I finish my drink I start to feel sick and a little queasy. My Dad notices my uneasiness and starts persuading me to go home since I to look a little "off" and of course being the daughter that I was, I abided. Grabbing my keys I walked off to my car, when I entered the car and I felt super tired and dizzy but my friends were having so much fun and I didn't want to disturb them by I didn't have the energy to walk back inside so I pulled out of the driveway. 

Sathits POV

I decided to meet Tiew (Tiwadee) at a café today since I haven't been on an outing with her for ages. When I met her there we sat down and ordered our food and began talking about everything exciting about life. Tiew discussed about her mother and how she's looking after the orphanage, it just breaks my heart knowing that all these children have no home, no family, no one to love them. I have visited Tiew's orphanage many times and have helped out with the lovely children. Interrupting the conversation, my phone started to buzz in my pocket and without hesitation of disrupting the date, I picked it up. It was one of my mates he said that he need me to be at the office right now because it was an emergency. I begged him that currently I was busy and that I couldn't come, but he insisted that I came and feeling defeated, I gave in. I apologized to Tiew and promised her that I'd make it up to her. I felt remorse for Tiew; with lots of passion and time she arranged this date so mine and her timing would fit, only for me to leave in the first ten minutes but I am a lawyer and sometimes I have to sacrifice my time to save others.

As I was walking to my car I got a call from Tiew, she started talking about how I had only left a few minutes ago and that she already missed me. I went into a deep conversation without noticing the fact that I look like and idiot, standing in the middle of the street talking on the phone, but that's what happens in love. Tiew was in the middle of a conversation when I started hearing her scream, I immediately began shouting to her on the phone but there was no reply, a few minutes afterward I heard a womens voice she was screaming, "I'm sorry khun, please wake, please wake up khun, open your eye," I could hear her wailing very loudly.

Jees POV

I continued driving until I reached the crossing and my eyes started to feel real heavy and I was falling in to a deep sleep but my eyes jolted up,  I heard screaming and I looked up and it was a girl who standing in front of me with complete shock. I tried to stop the car in time but I couldn't and my flashing headlight came crashing into her making a huge 'thud' sound. I jumped out of the car and there the woman was laying dead on the ruble road, blood was smeared across her face and arms; I thought she is dead. I start screaming at her, hoping that she would wake up. 

A person saw what had happened and helped the woman up and started to ring the police and scared and shook I began dialing my secretary, Suki, being not only my personal assistant he was my best friend, he would know what to do. Hopefully. 

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