I Will Be Strong

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Sathit POV

My face is wet full of sweat, my fist are clamped together and my heart is racing. It can't be, It isn't, Jeerawat cannot be the murder of my girlfriend Tiwadee. I replay the video over and over to make sure my eyes aren't hallucinating it really was her she was the one who killed my Tiew. Oh she doesn't know what she's up for I will make her life a living hell, she won't be able to sleep at night and oh her fame will not last that long and I won't be the only thing avenging her, I mean karma's also going to do it's job.

Before I have time to think about more ways to pull revenge on Jee I hear the door slamming open, in shock I quickly shut my laptop screen and before I can grab the tape to hide, the officer that I was to talking to a few hours ago grab it out of my hand and pushes me away.

"khun, I respected you, why do you do this?"

"why did I do this, because of  your greediness a person is not in jail for murder!"

"why do you care so much?"

"why, why do I care that while being a lawyer, my girlfriend died because a stupid person ran into her and then of all that she bought the police to make sure she doesn't get into jail and of course to take her place she blamed her driver on the accident and your asking why I care so much." The police stopped holding me and stayed silent, astonished at my speech, he thought for a moment then continued with what was going on before. "After all I've told you, you're still going to arrest me, your still taking her side?"

"look if I don't do this then I will lose my job, I have a family to feed, I promise I won't arrest you."

He snatches the tape out of my hand and begins to walk away but I just can't let him, I won't let anyone get in between Tiw's justice not even an officer. I walk over to him and spin his bodya round so he's facing me, while the tape is in his hand I take it back from him and then start to walk away, amused at my actions like he would never thought that I would do that he rushes after to me and tries to grab the tape out of my hand, but holding a firm grip, I don't resist to let the tape go. He continues to  see if he can whip the tape out of my hand but luckily he can't. At one point he grab the tape of my hand but while he's trying to do that the tape swings out of my hand and into the worst place possible, the fire. "NOOOOOOO," I scream. Knowing that I lost my only evidence for exposing Jee, I cry out loudly. The officer doesn't seem too upset, he probably wanted that to happen anyway. Feeling full of himself he walks up to me and gives me a pat on the shoulder and walks away.

How? How could this happen?

Sorry guys for such a short chapter, didn't get much timer to write much but Ipromise I will update more quickly also I hope you have a nice day because you're all so awesome and even though I haven't seen your probably beautiful so yeah, anyways with every chapter I always post a cool quotes to go with it, make sure to comment if you like these quotes and if you know some really good quotes then make sure to send them to me and send me any shout outs. XOX

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