I Didn't But I Did?

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Sathit POV

"I didn't kill Tiew, " She lightly whispered. I moved closer to her face until my lips were  only millimeters away from touching her ear,

"yes you did and I will never forgive you for what you have done to my life,"

I grabbed all my stuff and stormed off without even looking back at her. 

I want to believe that she didn't kill Tiew, I really do but the thing is I would be lying to myself if I did. I saw the video, I watched it with both of my eyes and replayed to check if I wasn't hallucinating. 

When I reached my car I sat down for a while and just processed everything that happened. I should have known not to get my hopes up, I mean why on Earth would Jee tell me the truth and make herself go to jail, that was stupid of me but if she wasn't really going to tell me the truth then why did she even bring me here in the first place, why did she have to waste mine and her time? 


I am kind of thankful that my driver called me in time before I made a big mistake. I was so disappointed that I couldn't tell Sathit, which mean he will continue to torture me and I will have to endure it, I don't really care about what happens to my life but I won't ruin my drivers life and Suki's and if people find out about then people may not want to work with people who have worked with me like Chaiyan and my producers so next time I have to make sure I think through before I do anything. 

Feeling relieved and scared I drive back home and jump on my bed dreaming about the fortune that lies before me

**Next Day***

When I open my eyes up I feel like I've woken from a terrible nightmare like what happened last night was terror scene from Friday The 13th. While I am eating breakfast, Suki joins me and drinks coffee, 

"so Jee, about what happened last night..."

"no, Suki I didn't tell khun Sathit the truth,"

"oh really Jee, thank you so much, your the best! Look Jee I'm not sure if you've figured it out yet but Sathit wants to put you in jail and he will do anything, even hurt you and it's probably not just you he will put others around you in danger aswell."

I nod my head agreeing and start putting the dishes away. As I placed the last bowl into the cupboard, my phone starts ringing loudly. I look and it's Pan my cousin calling,

"hello, Pan what's up?"

"Jee help us, there are goons destroying the shop!"

"Pan, I'm coming, hold tight,"

"hurry Jee"

As soon as the phone cuts I rush and put clothes and shoes on, Suki notices the distress on my face an asks what's wrong, I didn't want to get Suki involved with my problems right now so I just inform him that I realized that I was late for a facial appointment. 

When I reach the shop I see two mean tearing everything apart they are all of the food onto the floor and destroying all the plates and bowl, they tried to push Yay to floor but just in time I catch her and bring her back to her feet, when I realize all the damage I done I start to feel my blood boil,

"who are you guys, what do you want from these poor shop owners?"

"The owner of the land has sent us here; he wants us to clear up the space for building,"

"well tell this owner we aren't going anywhere,"

"look if you don't move we have to force,"

"try all you want,"

The guy grabs a stick and while the stick is swinging mid air I cover my face with my hands and crouch down. For a few seconds I stay in this position until I realize that the stick hadn't hit me. I open my eyes and to see someone holding a firm grip on the stick.

Thank you everyone so much for getting me 100 views on this story, I just want to you to know that it really makes me happy. I you guys wanna hear more of this story then make sure to keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment for more updates, XOX

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