Anyone but Me

380 6 1

Jee POV 

While I had my phone pressed against my ear and my purse in other hand as  I slowly limped toward the elevator. I left the function because my leg was hurting really bad and Chaiyan had stopped shooting because his wife had caused a racket, I felt sorry for Chaiyan since he had such a possessive wife but also jealous at the same time since he had something that I'd never had since childhood, love.

"yes Suki I somehow managed to run away from the paparazzi... yes I am going home right now, ok bye."

Immediately as I cut the phone I heard familiar voice,

"of course a person like would be running, I mean what else are you supposed to do?"

I pivot my head to be facing the Sathit, he was leaning against a wall and had his cold eyes staring into me. I ignored his comment and continued walking. He examined by wounded leg and again opened his mouth,

"now do you believe in the laws of karma, its fair and quick," 

As I continue to avoid Sathit he steps in front of me and says

"or did you purposely hurt yourself?"

This sentence really triggered me, like how dare he just assume my actions when in reality he has no idea what actually happened and is just saying what he want to happen. 

"Look Sathit if you have such an imagination then why don't you quit being a lawyer and go and write novel or something."

I stormed off to the elevator and as I was about to press the 'up' button, Sathit interfered and covered the button. 

"You can sleep with whoever you want as longs as it not my family member. I gave him a frustrated look and barged his hand off the button and pressed it. As I slid into the elevator, Sathits shocked face recovered into a barbarous face. He pulled me against the elevator wall and sternly said

"Jee I am dam serious that if anything happens to my sister, no one, not even Chaiyan can stop me from hurting you."

Becoming scared and anxious of what was happening, I pushed Sathit away from me.

"Opae (Get out)"

I again repeated the words and was about to push Sathit further away but as my hand reach out to push him I tripped. Sathit grabbed my hand to stop me falling. As soon as I realized what happened I tried to yank my hand out of his and during the process I ended falling down landing on my behind. I stayed on the ground looking shocked and surprised at Sathits action. Before I could say anything I heard Suki voice calling out my name, when he saw me lying on the ground he pushed Sathit away and helped me on my feet.

"Jee are you alright? Come on let's get you home,"

Before Sathit could move any closer to me and say anything, Suki put his hand forward to stop.

"Sathit please don't come any closer, Jee is not feeling well."

"It's ok P 'Suki, Let him say what he want to because the next we meet I don't want him repeating the same petty insult over and over again. "

Again as Sathit attempted to move closer P 'Suki pushed and pressed the elevator button as quick a he can. Before Sathit could do anything the elevator door closed and we finally had left Sathit.

"Thank you P 'Suki so much,"

"Jee why are you always getting into to trouble? your going to get yourself killed one day,"

"Suki I swear that devil follows me around, everywhere I go he's always there it's so annoying,"

"don't worry Jee, I will always be there to help you,"



*Next day at Shooting for lakorn* 

Chaiyan POV

"ok so in this scene you will we fighting Khun Kunnika and she will pretend to slap you, got it Jee?"

"Yes Chaiyan lets just start shooting,"

"ok everyone start getting ready,"

Just as I was about to say something to the crew, I heard someone screaming my name from behind.


I turn my body around and face Piak, what is she doing here?


"I just thought that I would come and join you for shoot today, it might be fun."

I gave her an inquisitive look trying to determine what Piak was thinking. Usually she never come to the set with me and even if she does I have to beg her to come along, so why does she so suddenly turn up? She is up to something and I don't know what it is. As Piak sat down on the chair I headed toward Jee, she always knows what to do in these type of situations.

"Hey Jee do you know why Piak is acting so weird."

Jee and I both consecutively look at Piak and look back at each other. Jee sighs loudly nodding her head. 

"Chaiyan she is here to be on the set with you she isn't committing murder or something ok?"

"Yeah but she's acting... off"

"Chaiyan she just cares about you and is a little bit protective there's nothing wrong ok?"

I nod my head even though I still don't believe in what Jee is saying. 

Jee POV 

Sometimes Chaiyan can overact to little things, I mean all his wife doing is coming to set with him. As I was thinking more about Chaiyan and Piak's behavior, someone hand started waving on front of my eyes, when unzone myself I see Kunnika looking at me.

"Earth to Jee,"

"sorry I zoned out,"

"Its fine, I do that all the time,"

As we were progressing into our conversation Chaiyan sternly shouted,"Ok everyone get into your positions," He waved his  hand directing people where to stand, "Lights, camera, Action!"

Hi everyone thank you so much for the read and everything I'm about to his 600 so thank you all. Shout out to lypark63 for adding this story to their reading list but just letting you all know that from now on if you want a shout out or dedication you have to vote so you can't just add this story your to your reading list or comment you have to vote so yeah. But throwing all that away, I hope you guys have a great day/night wherever you are and comment down where you are reading this because I would love to know. 

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