Lawyer Shmawyer

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Jee POV 

Sathit gripped the stick,  protecting it from hitting me. Once he had full control of the stick he yanked it out of the goon's hand leaving him astonished. He broke the stick in half and with his knee and chucked it away.

"If you guys don't leave right now, then I will call the police," The goons affrightedly dropped all their weapons and ran away, frightened by what they just encountered, one of the stubborn goons said, "we'll be back, " then left. 

Sathit pivoted his body so he was facing everyone, he gave a quick glance at my agitated face and then began talking to everyone else.

The villagers frantically started explaining to him what had happened and who these people were,

"khun Sathit, the original owner of this land died and his avaricious son is now the owner but he wants us to move so that be can start building here."

"don't worry everyone I will make sure that we win. Has anyone got injured? we could use this against them in the court case."

After he finishes everything, all the villagers seem a bit relieved and continue with their work or went home. A few minutes ago Yay and Pan returned to their shop to fix some stuff up so I decided to join them besides I couldn't stand being near the devil. When I reached the shop all I could hear was Yay nagging Pan.

"Pan why did you have to call Jee? We always disturb her whenever she is working. We could've dealt with the situation ourselves,"

"But Ma..." At this point I knew that Yay would be like this, she tries to never worry me and lessen my load, but in the end she always just ends up making more. I barge into the conversation trying to save Pan ears,

"Yay, please stop, Pan did the right thing, do you know what could've happened if Pan didn't call me." Yay becomes startled by my entry but quickly recovers.

"oh Jee you've done so much for this family how could I possibly thank you?"

"please, you are my grandma, this is what a granddaughter does." I grab Yays hand and squeeze it tightly, trying to show Yay that I care. While I'm gazing into Yay's eyes, Pan smiles and says,

"Ma, Jee loves us so much plus we khun Sathit to help us aswell so we'll be fine,"

hearing the demons name, I remember what I wanted to say to them,

"oh yes, about Sathit, we don't need him. I will find you guys a better lawyer who will definitely win the case for you, OK?"

Yay look disappointed and says, "no, I like Sathit, he is really nice, I don't want another lawyer,"

"but Yay..." Pan starts becoming suspicious and says,

"Jee do you know Sathit?..." He starts walking closer to me, "wait, don't tell me he's your boyfriend or something?" Disgusted by what Pan just said, I make a horrified face and say to him

"No Pan, I just know him and he's kinda my enemy right now,"

"Wait so he knows who you are, what if he tells the media that you left your grandma and cousin or something like that,"

As soon as he said that everything went quite, you could no longer hear the noisy villager banging the pots and pans and the children squealing but then Sathit suddenly appeared out of nowhere breaking the silence,

"I won't do anything like that,"

Pan became alarmed by Sathits abrupt entry, he almost trips over barely managing to hold himself before he falls. Sathit starts moving closer to us and says, "I am your lawyer so I will do my job and that it, I don't care about your business or anything so I won't be bothering you," After saying that statement he walk away, tempted to go and fight with him, I put my glasses back on, grab my purse and rush after him.

"Sathit, wait!!" He turns around confused why I was following him.

"What do you want?"

I open my purse and take out money, still confused about what I was doing, Sathit gave me an inquisitive look, "what are you doing?" I grab his hand and place the money in his hand,

"I want to pay you back so I don't owe you anything anyways you don't have to do this, I will find a... better lawyer for Yay." 

HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY everyone, how are you? I have some pretty big plans of what's going to happened next to make sure to keep reading to find out what happened between these two enemies. I apologize for any uncorrected spelling mistakes. If you enjoy this story and want me to regularly update make sure to vote. Thank You for all those who read this story, cause you all mean so much to me. Shout Out to User52426543 for adding this story to her reading list, if you want a shout out make sure to add this story to YOUR reading list, Thank You so much. XOX

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