Life Is Short, Break Rules

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Sathit POV  

If I had a choice I wouldn't ever do this, never in a million years but for Tiew I would do anything, to any extent. I will find out who murdered Tiew, I know I will. Sweat strands start to form on my forehead, all the worst scenarios start playing in my head. But I do it.

"um sir can you please get me some coffee it's really cold."

"uh sure, I'll be back in a minute, no sugar, little milk right?"

"yep, you know me." I nervously chuckle at his question trying not to seem too suspicious.

The officer left the room and I jumped up. I slowly opened the drawer to reveal a small black tape sitting slap bang middle, I grab it and rush out the room. I look out to see if anyone's watching me and continue. I need to make sure I'm long gone before the officer sees me and I don't get caught.

Officer POV 

That was extremely weird, at the start Sathit was fine but as we progressed into the conversation he started tuning out and dazing out to something else. Now he's telling me that he want coffee even though he doesn't drink coffee during the evening and out side the sun is shining brightly and the room temperature is above average but he's telling me it's cold. What's going on? 

After finishing Sathits coffee I head back to the room, but to my surprise he isn't there. I look everywhere for him and in the end I conclude that some business came up and he had to leave, without saying goodbye. 

I sit down on my chair since my head is really hurting. I stare at the draw while resting. I let my mind run around for a bit exploring the world, 

Do I have any work left? 

When is Miss Jee's birthday?

Do I need to remember anything?

Does Miss Jee have a security guard?

Wait, what about the tape?

I rush of my chair and run to the drawer, I yank it open and leaving me shocked and bewildered the tape isn't there, I search the entire room and facility, if I don't find the tape, Miss Jee will be extremely mad at me and possibly even fire me and I here I was hoping to get a promotion.  

No, It can't be, he wouldn't, would he? I jump out of me chair and call all my men, I thought you were my friend Sathit and I would never do this, but according to law your committing a crime and I can't let that happen.

Sathit POV    

I finally reach my house and open the door to a lovely nice and warm house. Before I left I made sure that the fire was on because I really like it when I walk into my house after a cold day and then I could snuggle with Tiew and we would watch lots of movies and ... Tiew... No I can't stop, I run to computer and insert the disc. Finally I would find out who killed Tiew, who will have a terrible life starting now. The video finally loads and begins playing but I wish it didn't. My fist clamp together and my teeth grit so hard that my jaw starts to ache, I am raging with anger. 

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