Hate and Revenge are Bad For the Mind

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Narrators POV

Jee jumped into her car, chucked her purse on the passenger seat and then started the car. Despite the warnings that Chaiyan gave her, Jee still felt as if she were obligated to go. She killed a mothers daughter and no matter what she did, she would never forget that fact and anyways she was the one who insisted she the children at the orphanage so it makes sense that she should go.

The orphanage was located on one of those raft houses and Jee wasn't looking forward to getting her high heels dirty or scratched.  When she reached her destination Jee swung her purse on her shoulder and marched forward to the house. When she knocked on the door a scruffy woman opened the door, Jee explained that she was here to meet Tiew mum and that she needed to talk to her, the woman replied that Tiew's mum was out at the market and she wouldn't be back for a while. Hearing the news, Jee frowned, she was really hoping that she could meet Tiew's mum. Before Jee was about to leave, the woman quickly came back and told her that even though she couldn't meet Tiew mum, Tiew's dad was free to talk, though Jee didn't really want to talk to Tiew dad she couldn't refuse the offer so she agreed. 

When Jee met him, he greeted her with a friendly handshake and insisted she take a seat, though the seat was worn out with stain all over it Jee still took a seat. Jee started talking about how she didn't mean for the accident and apologized on the driver's behalf even though she was the one who killed Tiew. After the brief overview Jee showed him the cheque and told him that it was a an apology gift of how sorry she is and that  and that all the money was theirs and they were free to make any use of it. As soon as she showed him the cheque, Tiew dad became more interested and eager, he began grinning and smiling over every word she said, and kept staring intently at the cheque like he could just swallow it in whole. During the whole meeting it felt like someone was watching her, like watching her every move, Jee started to feel more and more uncomfortable so she decided to leave. After saying her goodbyes and once again apologizing she left the house and started walking to the car.


While I was talking, I felt like someone was watching me, I thought maybe it was all in my head  but for some reason I just kept feeling uncomfortable. I remembered that Chaiyan had warned me that if I felt anything was off then I should immediately leave, so I for once decided to listen to him. While I was steadily walking across the edge of  the lake to my car, I heard a voiced behind me.

"so this was your plan all along," I turn around to see where the voice was coming and then face the monster of my nightmares, Sathit. 

"w-what do you want?"

"do you think we're that greedy for money, that you could show up to our house, place a cheque in front of our eyes and we'll blindly forget about the fact that you killed Tiew," He started moving forward towards me and every time he took a step forward I would take a step back trying not to get close to him.

"look, it's nothing like that, I just wanted to apologize,"

"oh really, apologize, well get this straight Jeerawat, no matter how much money you give us we will never forgive you. You really think that by giving us 100,000 baht we would just forget about a life, never mentioning her name, well your wrong,"

At this point I was really close to the edge of the lake and could potentially fall, but Sathit didn't stop moving forward and  I didn't stop moving back. When I was one step away from falling to my death, I shouted at Sathit, "Khun Sathit, please stop moving forward!"

He chuckled at my despair and said, "you know, right now you feel like what Tiew would've felt when your cars headlights were flashing in her face, when you were only inches away before crushing her, well Jee, you tried to buy Tiew's life with 100,000 baht, well let's see if any amount of money can save you now." After that he suddenly pushed me, I tried to hold onto his arm but I couldn't, I flung into the murky lake. I tried to propel out of the water but I kept sinking in, I tried screaming but every time my mouth would open, the muddy water would enter my mouth and it was just making everything worse. 

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