Agitation is the Key

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Sathit POV 

Seeing Yay unconsciously laying on the ground I rush to her. I grab her wrist and start looking for a pulse. When I feel a faint pulse on Yays wrist, I lift her up and carry her to my car. 

I drag her all the way to the hospital where the doctors immediately lead her into the emergency ward. One of the nurses tries to calm me and seats me on a bench, leaving me alone.  

When I see a doctor rush out of the emergency ward, I desperately rush after him. He pats me on the back and leads me into his office and asks me to take a seat.

"Doctor, is everything all right with the patient?"

"After scanning and doing some test, it has been confirmed that Aunt is on stage two of brain cancer." I felt sick to my stomach, I felt so sick I could puke right on the doctors face; but I didn't. I just sat there numbly and stared plainly at the doctors facing hoping that he would burst out into laughter any minute and declare that he was joking, but I never heard any laughter only his serious tone echoing in my ear. 


I walked beside the doctor gazed into my thoughts. Trying to stop the awkward silence he starts talking to me.

"The patient is having very much difficulty cooperating with the nurses and is refusing any medication. I suggest you take your home, sit her down and persuade her to start chemotherapy because her condition will only worsen." He leads me into Yays room and when Yay sees me she immediately jumps out of bed and runs up to me.

"Sathit please take me home I don't to be here."

I solemnly nod my head. Grabbing her belongings I guide Yay to the car. For the whole entire ride home, Yays stays completely silent and just stares out of the window. When Yay reaches her home, Pan immerses out of the hut and runs up to Yay.

"Yay where were you gone? I was so worried,"

"nothing to worry about Pan, I just went to the market. Can you go inside an fetch me a glass of water?"

Pan nods his head in approval and rushes inside to fulfil Yays command. Turning around to face Yay, I begin interrogating her.

"Aren't you going to tell Pan about your cancer,"

She calmly shakes her head.

"death isn't something we should be afraid of but waiting for the death of someone we love is." She continues, "let my nephew live unafraid of me leaving,"

"but Yay you can take the medication,"

"nonsense! doesn't matter whether I take surgery or not I will still die so I might as well not waste money just for living for a few extra months."

I was about to say something but I realised there was no use since whenever Yay made her mind up there was no use arguing with her but I still felt as if what she was doing was wrong. I continued thinking about Yay even when Pan walked in.

"Yay, Sathit what's wrong?"

"nothing's wrong Pan,"

"I heard you guys arguing all the way from the kitchen."

At this point Yay was starting to become agitated at Pan.

"Pan, stop quarrelling with Sathit and go and do your work,"

"Yay is something wrong please tell me"

For ten minutes straight Pan kept arguing with Yay to tell him the truth. I realised that Pan was so stubborn he wouldn't give up until Yay did and Yay wouldn't give up until Pan did so I interfered.

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