My Heart Is More Torn Than That Letter

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Piak POV 

 I needed to make it up to Chaiyan, somehow I needed to win him back or I might forever lose him and I won't let that happen, at least not while I'm around. During the last few days of shooting I attempted to make up to Chaiyan by going to set with him, giving him hugs and helping him with shooting, as much as I tried to be nice to Chaiyan he was just as mean to me. During the end of the last scene I was giving Chaiyan a cup of coffee but he rejected it and walked off, not giving up I run after him and hand him the drink, he doesn't grab the cup but instead clamps his hands together.

"Piak stop this,"

"Chaiyan, I am just trying to make it up for you know the whole Jee thing,"

"well Piak there is only one way I can forgive you," As I am processing these words from his mouth I stand in awe, how could he do this, I am with all my effort trying to make him happy to make it up to him and he still isn't satisfied with all my work what more could he possibly want, "I want you to apologise to Jee that is the only way, understood,"

I deafly stand there, shocked defeated of Chaiyan sentence, there was no way I was going to do that. Saying sorry to Jee would mean that I am the one who is doing wrong but I am not Jee is, she is the one who is stealing Chaiyan from me, Jee is the one  who is making me rogue, Jee is the reason why Chaiyan and me are fighting in the first place but he still wants me to give a reparation to Jee. Being so furious I storm off to the bathroom to sort out my thoughts. When I reach the mirror I take a deep breath and look at my reflection.

"Come on Piak you only have to say sorry and then Chaiyan will be yours, I mean you can quickly just say it and walk off you don't have to do anything else," As I was about to leave the bathroom Jee walks in and confronts me.

"you don't have to apologise to me Piak, what's done has been done, I've already forgotten about this,"

"stop pretending you care Jee, Chaiyan  already worships you,"

when I say those words Jee moves intimidatingly toward me and startled by her sudden change of expression I back away. Using both her hand she grabs my should dragging my face towards hers.

"Piak I think you should understand that I am type of person that only fakes in front of the camera out of set I am completely true to myself and everything I do is completely honest so stop judging me for something I am not, ok?"

"if you are so honest and polite then why are you having an affair with Chaiyan,"

She loudly sighs in exasperation and shakes her head, 

"Piak there is nothing between me and Chaiyan we are just friends and you know what after we finish the lakorn I won't ever see Chaiyan again because I won't have any reason to so you need calm yourself and stop doubting everyone,"

Just as Jee was about to leave I said to her

"how do I believe you,"

She turns her back and looks at me

"you don't have to believe me Piak because the person you should be believing is Chaiyan. Chaiyan isn't angry for me he is angry because he is annoyed that you don't trust him, you keep doubting him, that's why."

When she was opening the door I said something that I thought that I would never say to Jee in a million years

"I'm sorry Jee," Just like I pressed the pause button on the remote Jee freezes holding the door midway through opening. "But remember the only reason I am saying this is because I was wrong this time but if next time this is not the case then you these words will be the only thing you dont hear from my mouth." Again like I pressed the remote button Jee gives me one last look, opens the door and leaves and I loosen my self processing everything that happened.

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