They Meet At First

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Jee's POV

I don't really want to do this but I have to, if not for myself for my career then. I'm sitting in Dao, my luxurious black Ferrari and Suki is currently driving me to the police station, I have a very important job to do and if I don't then I am not just putting myself in jail but Suki and my friends will also join me and they haven't done anything wrong.

When I reach the police station, there are guards who open my door and lead me inside. I am greeted by the officer who leads me into the room. At the beginning we had a friendly a conversation about everything but then I got serious, "khun, can you please make sure the tape does not get into public hands and make sure no one finds out okay?"

"yes Jee ma'am the tape is being taken care of and the public won't even get a hint of what's going on."

"Good job, then shall I get going?"

"of course ma'am, would you like any tea or anything."

"no khun I must get going, Goodbye?"

I say my goodbyes and leave the room. As I am walking through the corridor my phone starts ringing; I lift my hand to pick it up but someone bump into me and I trip over. Before my can touch the ground, he catches me in a princess style. He stares directly into my eyes with the sparkle in his eyes, he's so handsome I wonder who he is. I jump out of my state when he lifts me up. I was a bit embarrassed for a split second but I realized he was the one who bumped into me.

"hey, why did you do that?"

"sorry, I didn't see you there."

"I could've hurt myself,"

"khun I said sorry."

"do you know who I am."

"a person,"

I stand there amused at this lad. Five minutes ago I really found this man mesmerizingly beautiful but now he's really aggravating and irritating.

"I am Jeerawat, the famous actress."


I felt really frustrated at this man, he had no manners, no etiquette I couldn't stay there any longer so I stormed off in anger. I found Suki waiting for me outside, he rushed over to me and started a asking lots of questions but I didn't really want to answer them.

Sathit POV

I hate it when people carry a big ego around them and boast to everyone of how great they are. The lady in front of me seemed to be doing exactly that.

"I am Jeerawat, the famous actress,"


She stands there in shock like no one has every said anything more rude and mean. With a red face full of anger and hatred she storms off. I smirk at her pathetic approach of being arrogant and then storming off, guess she'll have a hard time in life cause it ain't as nice as I am .

I turn around and head for the police station. I ask a person a she directs me to the room. I knock on the door and no one answers. I knock again and still no reply back. The third time instead I just open the door inside I see a officer in full uniform talking to another uniform, the officer was holding a tape in his hands and placed it in his drawer when he sees me. These actions make me really curious, what was so important in that tape?

The officers invited me to sit down and I do, we have conversation about the cameras. I ask him whether I can see the camera footage but he refuses I ask him why and I he keeps saying that he can't show me for private reasons. At this stage I know he is lying because he starts trembling and stuttering his words, that's when I get an idea, what if that tape that he was holding was the footage and he is lying to me. While the officer continues to lecture, a plan devises in my head. I know exactly what I've got to do, if not for me, for Tiew.

Woah this was a long chapter with a lot going on, also if you guys were wondering I don't know what Jees last name is so that why I don't say her full name but if you know or have a good last name then make sure to comment and if you won't to read more sure to vote and share, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. XOX

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