Chapter 53

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It felt weird sitting in this house again. I mean, this place was always my home, but I had been living in California for the past year and a half.

"Seriously, Owen give it back!"

"Make me, you don't own the remote!" I heard the shouts coming from the living room and I started laughing. Those two seriously never stopped fighting. I bet they were even at it in the womb. The twins must have given Selene quite the beating while she was pregnant.

"Guys will ya stop it?" I said, barreling into the living room. My gaze glanced up to see the clock on the wall. The results show was starting. Well that quieted them down. I think everyone was just nervous to see if the boys had made it through. I sat between Owen and Adrianna to reduce the amount of fighting. It was a simple plan, but hopefully effective.

The three of us were curled up on the sofa at my house in New Jersey. It was Thanksgiving weekend, and it was way too expensive for Adrianna and Owen to fly out there for only a few days, so my mom invited the twins to spend Thanksgiving at our house. And instead, Selene had flown over here.

Suddenly, I heard my phone buzzing on the coffee table. Usually, I would turn my phone off while watching tv; but not anymore. I keep my phone on during X Factor because I'm in a group chat with a bunch of people from Huntington. During the live shows on Wednesdays, my phone would literally be vibrating itself off the table.

Right now, the text that came in was from Tyler, signaling that he and Rick had just sat down to see the results show. I grinned to myself. Ty had flown back to spend the holidays in California with Rick. I was insanely jealous that he got to go back to Huntington before me, but I was also happy to spend some time with the other half of my family.

Besides, I would be flying to California just in time for the live show next week. And Wesley's birthday. That was when our winter break started, and everyone could catch a flight home in preparation for Christmas.

Kyle, Kenny, Brianna, Jason, Owen, Adrianna, and even Principal Melrose were other members of the group chat. Everyone was just so excited that our friends were on television. Kyle and Kenny were currently at the live shows: lucky dudes. They've been there every week. Suddenly, a picture came through the chat of Kenny taking a seflie with his arm wrapped around Kyle's shoulder. They managed to catch the crowd in the background, and everyone looked stoked: including them. Ugh, can it just be Tuesday already?

Mario Lopez finished speaking, and that meant it was time for the results show to officially start. My stomach was in knots. The biys had to make it through, they just had to. Last night they sang "I'm a Believer" and it was... interesting to say the least. I knew that song definitely wasn't their style, and it definitely made them nervous about the results show.

After the performance last night, Wes had called me. He expressed that he was worried because they thought that America wouldn't vote for them after that song. But I assured him that people would vote. They were far enough along in the competition that they had fans: fans who would stick with them no matter what. Fans that knew that Emblem3 was so much more than this.

* * * * *

"And the next act; saved by America's votes is... Cece Frey!" Mario Lopez clapped along with the rest of the audience, but I couldn't move. There were only three acts left onstage: Emblem3, Vino Alan, and Diamond White. Only one other group would be safe, and the other two would have to sing for survival. I crossed my fingers tightly for good luck. The boys needed to move on, they deserved to move on. "And the final act moving on in the competition is... Emblem3!" The three of us went crazy: slapping each other with excitement. Adrianna and I were cheering and my phone started buzzing out of control.

"They made it!" Owen said, hi-fiving his sister and then me afterwards. I grinned, looking down at my phone. There were texts from Brianna and Ty, and then some other messages from my friends from college. I grinned, reading over the messages. Adrianna, Owen and I had managed to make fans out of every person in our hall. We all had E3 fever.

"Hey, did you see Jason's text?" Adrianna asked, curiously. Knitting my eyebrows, I turned back to the device in my hand. I must have missed it because of the hundreds of other messages my phone was receiving. Finally spotting it, I clicked on the group message.

"No way!" I said, jumping up and down. "I can't believe it!" Jase just texted us that he was coming home for the holidays. Now we could all be reunited! Me, Adrianna, Tyler, Owen, Brianna, and Jason were all going back to Cali next week. Now we could all be together for the holidays. I grinned; it would be good to spend some time with my firends over the break.

"Guys! Dessert!" My mom called from the kitchen. Since the boys had moved on, I was in a really good mood. And the fact that pumpkin pie was now being served made it even better.

As I sat at the table with my family and my two best friends, I couldn't help but smile. Seeing Selene's smiling face, and hearing the sound of Sam's laugh made me sad that I would soon be leaving.But then again, it also made me slightly sad to be here. The table was full of people whom I cared about, but there was someone missing. Being away from Wesley this long was killing me.

I just missed him so much.

Tuesday could not come soon enough.

Hey guys! New update for ya! 80 likes for the next update :)

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now