Chapter 52

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I lay wrapped in my bed sheets, panting heavily.


"Wow." I agreed, looking to my boyfriend who was laying next to me. "Do you really have to leave?" I pouted, running my hand up and down his bare chest. "I'm going to miss this." Smiling, He picked up my hand and pressed it to his lips softly.

"There won't be a single day where I won't think about you." He assured me, pulling me into his side. "Besides, I'm going to see you at Thanksgiving, right?" Wes asked me. Adrianna, Owen and I had off for Thanksgiving and we were going to fly back and spend some time with our families. Luckily, there was also an X Factor show taping on Thanksgiving, so I was hoping to see the boys.

"Yep. And I plan on coming to the show, so all you have to do is hang on until then." I laughed.

"I love you." He said, brushing a hair away from my face. I knew that this was goodbye. I had been holding him captive until the last possible moment, but it was time.

"Eh, you're okay." I replied, fighting the smile that was threatening to break out on my lips.

"Hmm, really? Becuase that's not what you were saying about ten minutes ago." He smirked and I punched him in the shoulder. I was saying things ten minutes ago that should involve my mother washing my mouth out with soap.

"Okay, nope. I've changed my mind, I hate you now." I swatted at him again, my cheeks burning a deep crimson color out of embarrassment. Instead of fighting back, he just wrapped himself in my sheets again.

"Really?" He pouted. I took one look into those puppy dog eyes and completely broke.

"Yep." I said, but pulled him down so his lips were on mine nonetheless. I pulled away after a few minutes. "Ugh, I can't believe you have to go." I frowned.

"Let's make a deal." Wes said, sitting up in bed, suddenly. I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the offer.

"A deal?"

"Yeah, a deal. So because of the show, we're probably going to have to be doing a lot of interviews and all that shit," Wes started. "And there's that stupid rule where we have to pretend like we're single or Simon Cowell will personally cut our balls off, yada yada yada..." He waved his hand like it wasn't important and I laughed. The thought of Simon chasing the boys down the hallway with a pair of gardening shears came to mind, and I couldn't stop chuckling. "So I just want you to know, no matter what I say, I still love you." He grinned down at me. "No matter how many times I say that I'm available, don't believe any of it." He said.

"We should have a code word." I joked, rolling out of bed to slip my clothes back on.

"Haha okay, what should the word be?"

"Hmm.... celery." I blurted out the first thing that came into my head. The next thing I heard was Wes laughing hysterically.

"Not exactly the easiest thing to work into a conversation now is it?" He laughed and I pouted.

"It was the first thing that came to mind!" I protested. When I looked over, Wes was still laughing. Argh, I just wanted to roll myself up in the sheets and die.

"Hmmm how about... when someone asks me why I don't have a girlfriend, I'll name my hometown in Washington. Is that cool? So when I'm up there talking about Sequim, just know that I'm thinking about you." He said and I couldn't help but blush. Okay, that was seriously cute.

"So when you say something about Sequim when answering one of those questions..."

"I'm actually sending you a secret message."  He winked and I grinned. A secret message. I liked the sound of that.

"You're kind of amazing, you know that?" I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." He smirked back. I thumped him with a pillow and clutched my sides from all the laughter that later ensued.

* * * * *

"Aves where are we going?" Wes asked as I dragged him down the sidewalk.

"You'll see." Once I tugged him around the corner, it became evident that we were in Times Square.

"Woah, it looks so different in the daylight." Wes awed, taking in the surroundings. "This view right here-" He spread his arms out, gesturing to the hustle of the city around him, "this is probably the second best view in the city." He said honestly. Second best? What could have possibly upstaged Times Square?

"What's the first best?" I asked curiously. I mean, in my opinion Times Square was the coolest place in the world.

"I'm looking at her." He grinned. It took me a couple seconds to register what had just been said, but once I did, I let out a hysterical giggle.

"Oh my god, I should break up with you just for that." I laughed, slinging my arm around his shoulder.

"But you won't because you lurrrrrrrv me." He teased.

"That I do." I laughed, kissing him on the cheek.

Happy Update!!! Wow, it's been a while! I guess because it's summer people haven't been on so much to vote/comment :(

80 votes and 10 comments for the next update!!

By the way: Go check out my other Emblem3 fanfic, Miss Cleopatra!! It's a Drew story, but it has plenty of Wes and Keats in it too!!! :)

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang