Chapter 44

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My body was shaking nervously, and I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason. I was dragging a huge suitcase behind me, filled with all my clothes. Clothes. That was just another thing I had to worry about. I was going to be living in New York for the next few years, so I definitely needed to find some winter clothes. And let me tell you; there is nothing worse than a New York winter.

"Hey, you okay?" I felt someone standing behind me.

"Yeah. I'm good." I took a deep breath in and turned to face Tyler. He saw right through my lies. "I'm going to miss my brother okay." I tried to smile but tears started to prick my eyes.

"Hey, Aves I'm not leaving you." Tyler pulled me into a hug. "I'll just be at Fordham. Same city, I'm only a few minutes away." He promised. Tyler had a point, but I still didn't let go of him.

"Nope. Not done yet." I murmured. I felt Tyler lean down and kiss the top of my head.

"You're the best sister I've ever had." He smiled at me.

"Awww, Tyler!!!!" I grinned.

"Seriously. I feel like I'm a real part of your family. I can't thank you and Rick enough for all that you've done for me in this past year." I watched as his eyes started to tear up. "Fuck Aves, you're gonna make me cry." Tyler laughed, swiping away a tear from his cheek, laughing slightly.

"Come on, we've got a flight to catch." I nudged him in the ribs, putting an end to our bonding moment. Because in all honesty, I would have broken down if I had stayed wrapped in his arms for a second longer. I slung an additional duffel bag over my shoulder as I dragged everything to the baggage check.

"All right miss, you're all set." The TSA officer slipped the last suitcase tag onto my luggage. I thanked him and went to rejoin my friends. Adrianna, Owen, Tyler and I were all taking the first flight into JFK which involved waking up at 5:30 in the morning. Drew, Keaton, and Wesley were flying down on the later flight. The guys were gonna meet us at the dorms around 8 PM.

Selene ran up to us and hugged us all to death. She said goodbye to me and then wrapped her arms around her own two children. Tyler and I took a step back to let them have a moment.

Tyler and I stood there awkwardly for a few moments until the family was done saying their goodbyes. Even Mr. Fisher came by to see their kids off. It was touching that their parents could overcome their dislike for one another to take a moment to send their kids off to school. A few minutes later Adrianna and Owen came back to join us.

"Alright. Let's go." I said, looking longingly at Tyler. He glanced back at me, the same look apparent in his eyes. We both wanted our parents to be here. I could tell that Ty missed his mom a lot. I've seen pictures of them together, and I knew that if she were alive today, she would definitely be here by his side. As for Rick, he had a last minute business trip that he couldn't get out of. I said it was okay, but on the inside, I was absolutely crushed.

Tyler glanced back at me and nodded slightly. Together we walked off into the terminal.

"Wait! Wait!" I heard a man's voice echoing through the large room. I continued to scuff my sneakers across the linoleum floor. That couldn't possibly be directed at me.

"Avery! Tyler!" I froze in my tracks to see Rick running towards the two of us at full speed. We stopped in front of the ticket check and waited for him to reach us. "Wait..." Rick said, slightly out of breath.

"All those morning jogs and you're still not in top shape." Tyler nudged him as a joke.

"Very funny. I literally just ran here from the highway. There was so much traffic that if I didn'tstart running when I did, I wouldn't have made it." Rick stated. He ran here? From the highway?! That was a good three miles...

"Okay, I take it back. Damn Rick, you didn't have to do that for us." Tyler said softly.

"Yes I did. I had to say goodbye to you guys." He said. His suit jacket was open slightly and I could see the sweat lines along his sides. Rick clapped Tyler on the shoulder and then turned to me.

"Really, you didn't have to cut your trip short." I mumbled.

"Yes I did. I left without saying goodbye once, I wasn't about to do it again." He promised. "I needed to say goodbye to you guys- I love you. Both of you." And this time I couldn't control myself. I flung my arms around my dad and held him tightly. He pulled Tyler in under his other arm- forming a group hug. To my surprise my dad's body started shaking. He was crying. Ty and I made eye contact over our dad's shoulders. This time I couldn't help it: I burst out crying. Sobbing, actually. Through my tears I could see Tyler crying as well. In this moment I didn't even care that the entire airport was probably staring at us. My family was finally back together again.

"I love you too- dad." I told him.

* * * * *

"What are you watching?" Tyler asked, leaning forward to glance at my screen. I adjusted the brightness on the tiny television that was attached to the chair in front of me.

"Parks and Rec." I grinned. This show was hilarious; and I needed a distraction to keep myself from breaking down into tears again.

"Is that the show with Tina Fey?" Ty squinted.

"Nah, that's 30 Rock. This is Amy Poehler's show." I grinned as my comedic counterpart took the screen. So for the next five hours, Tyler and I kept busy watching TV and eating about twenty bags of complimentary cookies. And before I knew it, we were landing.

New York, I have arrived.

They're finally in New York!!!!!! :D Yay :) Avery finally forgives her dad and she finally gets some closure. 70 votes and 10 comments for the next chappy :) haha, you guys know the drill ;)

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now