Chapter 37

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I tugged the fabric down to keep my butt from showing. "Honestly, did I really need to wear this?" I motioned to the black cocktail dress Adrianna had managed to get me into. Not to mention the high heels she had also gotten me to wear.

"Yep." Adrianna linked her arm through mine as we strolled into the huge auditorium. Westminster's auditorium was way different from the one at HBHS. For starters this one was absolutely huuuuuuuge. Our entire student body could probably fit in here more than three times.

"Avery! I'm glad you could make it!" Selene wrapped me into a hug. I grinned and hugged her back.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss Owen's graduation for anything." My gaze shifted over Selene's shoulder to a man who was sitting down in one of the chairs. He had his head bent over the graduation program, reading through the names thoroughly. Selene noticed me staring and nudged the man with her foot.

"Avery this is Gary, Adrianna and Owen's father. Gary this is Avery Brayden." Selene introduced the two of us. Gary rose to his feet to shake my hand.

"Hello Avery, it's nice to finally meet you. Adrianna and Owen both speak very highly of you." He gave me a warm smile. I gave him a polite grin back, but was frowning on the inside. I was never really fond of guys that leave their family.

"Thanks Mr. Fisher, nice to meet you too." I slid into the aisle and took the last seat on the end next to Adrianna. The lights dimmed and a man who I assumed was the principal walked up to the podium.

"Hello everyone, please help me in welcoming the graduating class of 2012." He grinned and the audience applauded. The graduation music started playing, and I saw the seniors walking down the aisle and up to the stage. By the time Owen passed by our entire row started cheering like crazy. I stuck my fist out to him and he bumped it victoriously.

"Jennifer Farrell, Pre Law, Boston University." The principal announced. Jennifer walked up and accepted her diploma, smiling brightly to the audience.

"Alexander Fernstein, International Business, University of South Carolina." The same process of receiving the diploma and switching the tassle to the other side was done. I looked down at the program, Owen was next.

"Owen Fisher, Business Administration and Management, New York University." Adrianna and I rose to our feet and started cheering hysterically. I watched as Owen trotted down from the top row and made his way to the podium. He had a cheeky smile plastered across his lips as he bent down to shake his principal's hand. He accepted the diploma and thrust a fist up in the air.

"Yeeeeah buddy!" He cheered and the other students roared. Adrianna and I burst out laughing where as Mr. and Mrs. Fisher looked so embarrassed. Selene was shaking her head in disbelief and Gary had a hand to his face, trying to shield his eyes from the public embarrassment his son just caused. Adrianna and I were still snickering, classic Owen.

"Well well well, look who we've got here, my little boy is all grown up." I had to reach up to ruffle Owen's hair. He was significantly taller than me, which made me laugh a little bit.

"You bet I am." He grabbed me in one swift motion, giving me a noogie like an older brother would. I squirmed and tried to escape his grip.

"I take it back, you still have the attitude of a four year old." I punched him in the shoulder, causing him to release me.

"Hey, man! There's our little graduate." Owen was attacked on both sides by Wes and Drew.

"Yeah, you made it. Much to our surprise." Drew laughed, taking the opportunity to punch Owen in the shoulder. Those two have gotten pretty close over the past few months. Then again, I'm not surprised that they've become friends--Drew has been dating Owen's sister for the better half of a year.

"Ha-ha. Hilarious." Owen pushed him back sarcastically. It wasn't really a surprise that Owen graduated. He was accepted to NYU after all which meant his GPA had to be above a 3.7. So yeah, I guess that makes Owen a smart cookie.

"For real, man. Congrats." Drew gave him one of those bro hug things. He was smiling, but it slightly faltered as Adrianna joined the group. After everything, it was still awkward between the two of them. They were in love, but they couldn't do anything about it without risk of getting the boys kicked off the show.

"Look at us." Owen slung an arm around me, and the other around his sister. "I expect an invite to every one of your dorm parties, and for you to set me up with some of your new hot friends." He smirked. Adrianna and I rolled our eyes and hit him in the stomach simultaneously.

"I will personally make sure that none of our friends have the pleasure of meeting you." I laughed, patting him on the shoulder with fake sincerity.

"I'm hurt." His voice dripping with fake insult. I bit back a smile when I saw Drew and Wes looking down at the ground awkwardly. It must be weird for them. Hearing all their friends making college plans when they weren't going.

"You should be." I teased, walking over to Wesley's side. "So let's get this party started, huh?" I grinned. Drew and Wesley exchanged a look.

"I agree." Wes started grinning. What was going on? A split second later I was being thrown over Wesley's shoulder. I knew what was happenning too well. I started squealing and banging on Wesley's back.

"Put me down!!!" I laughed. But of course I knew that wasn't going to happen. I went through the drill of tossing my cellphone to a nearby lounge chair.

"Okay." He smirked. And with that I was thrown into the pool.

I resurfaced to see Wesley and Drew hi-fiving eachother by the edge of the pool. Adrianna was spouting water from her mouth bobbing next to me.

"It's not a party without throwing the two of you in the pool." Drew waved to both of us from the sidelines. I glared at the two boys and splashed water in their direction playfully.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes but couldn't help laughing. I looked over to Adrianna. "Can't say that I didn't see it coming."

Hey guys :) hope you liked this chapter!!! 70 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter?? :D

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now