Chapter 62

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"Wait, so what?!"

"You heard me." Wes was standing in front of me, grinning.

"You. Got. A. Record Deal." I was honestly still in shock.

"Yeah we did!" I could tell that Wes was going to explode into happiness any second now.

"Holy shit!" I screeched, latching on to him. Just as I ran up to him, he caught me; wrapping his arms around my back so I wouldn't fall. I was so excited that I just held on. And I wasn't planning on letting go.

"Hey what about me?" I heard Keaton say sarcastically from somewhere behind me. I knew he was actually expecting me to peel myself off his brother, but I did so anyway in order to give him a hug.

"What about you?" I laughed, wrapping him into an embrace. After I pulled away, I set my sights on Drew who was leaning against the kitchen counter. "You're getting one too." I decided, not leaving out anyone.

"What's going on in here?" Adrianna entered my kitchen and had an eyebrow raised as she watched me detach from her boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend turned current friend. Could I even say that? Acquaintance maybe. Who the hell knows. Whatever they were, it didn't matter right now. I was just too excited to think anymore about it.

"Tell her!" I nudged Drew in the ribs because he was the closest to me. The way the corner of his eyes crinkled a bit told me I might have actually hurt him a bit. But before I could even apologize, Drew gave Adrianna a small smile.

"We got a record deal." He said.

"Shut the fuck up." Her mouth fell open in shock. For a moment, she just stared at Drew, trying to process all of this. Soon after, she looked to Wesley for confirmation.

"It's true." The boy nodded.

"Oh my god!" She cheered, obviously as thrilled for the boys as I was. Playing it safe, she went to hug Wesley first, and then Keaton. As if almost hesitantly, she paused before finally wrapping her arms around Drew in congratulations. It was a brief hug, but it was a start. Now that the X-Factor was over, maybe the two of them could get their relationship back on track. "Wait, but you guys didn't win." Adrianna pointed out.

"Thank you, for bringing that up." Keaton coughed, awkwardly. Apparently that was still a touchy subject. And that was understandable: they came so close to winning the whole thing only to fall short in the end.

"That's a good point though. How is this happening?" I was still on cloud nine. This incredible opportunity just came out of nowhere and I needed to know how it came to be.

"It's all Simon, man." Wes shook his head, appearing as if he didn't quite believe what was happening either. "Right after the cameras stopped rolling he got in touch with us. Offered us a deal with Syco." He grinned. "I mean, this guy sees something in us. Something worth his time and money. I mean isn't that just good to hear?" If I didn't know any better, I would say Wes was blushing with happiness.

"I'm really proud of you guys." I said, walking over to the cupboard. "Really, I don't say this enough. But I'm really, really proud of you boys." Rick only had a couple fancy wine glasses, so I rifled through the cabinet until I located the cheap plastic ones.

"What are you doing?" Keaton asked as I went over to the wine fridge.

"Celebrating." I pulled out a bottle of champagne that Rick wouldn't miss.

"Aw hell yeah!" Keaton grinned, eagerly reaching for a glass I had just poured.

"Ah ah ah! Nope, this one's yours." I went over to the fridge to grab a jug of apple juice. Much to his displeasure, I filled him a glass and slid it over. He scowled as the rest of us raised our wine glasses and laughed.

"Cheers." I said before ruffling Keaton's hair.

"Cheers." They agreed.

* * * * *

"It's really great having you home." I said, cuddling into my boyfriend. I tilted my chin to look up at Wes and I his smile was illuminated by the glow of the TV.

"Well it's good to be home." He laughed, glancing back to the movie.

"Seriously, though. I love you, and I'm glad to have you all to myself. I don't have to share you with the fan girls." I joked.

"Speaking of the fan girls, did you watch our Young Hollywood interview?" I could feel Wesley's eyes beaming down on me. And that's when I realized I actually forgot to watch it. Rick dragged me to the gym yesterday and I was so tired last night that I passed out.

"Uh... totally." I murmed, avoiding eye contact. But it was no use: Wesley knew when I was lying.

"No you didn't." Wes laughed, wrapping his arm around the back of the couch. Damn, it didn't even take him five seconds and he could tell. "I'm actually glad you haven't seen it yet." He grinned, pulling out his phone.

"What's going on?" I laughed, feeling a little nervous.

"Okay, well the beginning isn't anything special." He said, skipping threw the first couple minutes.

"So tell me boys, what kind of impact will leaving the show have on the people in your life?" Tracy Behr was sitting on a couch facing the band.

"Our friends and family are disappointed, but I'm pretty sure they're also happy to have us back." Drew laughed. "I can finally catch up with everybody."

"What about you two?" Tracy asked Wes and Keaton. "What can we expect you two to be up to now that the show's over for you?"

"I'm gonna be hitting up the waves, definitely." Keaton replied. "Catch up on some reading, maybe hit up some friends from school."

"I'm just psyched to spend some time at home." Wes said slowly, giving the interviewer a small smile.

"Anyone in particular?" Tracy grinned, seeing that she was finally getting to something. Wes exchanged a quick glance with his band mates before letting out a brief sigh.

"Yes, actually." My mouth dropped for the second time today.

"Yes!? Is this a girlfriend?"Tracy grinned. Wes laughed and leaned back on the couch, as if he couldn't believe what he was saying. I couldn't believe it either.

"It is." He admitted.

"Well tell me about her! What's her name?"

"Okay, okay. All I'm going to say is that she's the love of my life." Tracy placed her hand over her heart after hearing this. "And that she's been there for me more than anyone else in my life. She's amazing." Wes looked right into the camera, and I could feel him looking at me in real life. I paused the video and turned to him.

"You really admitted that?" I was glowing. "But, the contract-"

"Screw the contract. We're not in the running anymore."

"But you need to comply with the rules until-"

"Aves, screw the contract.  I love you, okay? You're more important to me then a stupid contest. Someone really important taught me that." He glanced over at Drew who was asleep on the couch next to Adrianna. There was a significant amount of space between the two of them, but I could tell Drew was trying. Adrianna was important to him, even if he wouldn't admit it right now.

"Well, it took you long enough." I joked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just kiss me already, would you?" He laughed.

And without a second thought I pressed my lips against his.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been such a long time!! But now I have time to write (finally!) I'm officially a high school graduate now :) Only a few chapters left!! Tell me what you think!

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now