Chapter 51

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With my back to back classes and heavy course load, it came as no surpise to me that three weeks had come and gone. I was living off of cheap coffee and caesar salad wraps, and  it felt like I hadn't slept in days. Welcome to college.

Even with my lack of sleep and endless amounts of homework, I was loving college. It was awesome to be living with my best friend, taking on the world together. Besides, our dorm had a fooseball table, and I was getting pretty good.

Everything was moving so quickly that I didn't even realize that Wes was leaving in only a few hours. I had been walking past my NYU calendar, and I spotted today's date circled in red sharpie. I continued to walk, not putting the pieces together, but then I stopped. Realization had hit me like a ton of bricks. The live shows were starting and my boyfriend was leaving for Los Angeles. Tonight. Immediately upon remembering, I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the dorm, just catching the bus as it pulled up to the curb. I needed to make my way down to the studio.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" Wes spoke into the microphone as he pulled the headphones off his ears and let them rest around his neck. I waved to him through the glass, not able to find the talk back button on the mixing board. I saw Wes laugh at my misfortune before turning around to face Drew and Keaton. He mouthed something that looked like "take five" before placing his guitar in the rack so it wouldn't fall over. He came out into the control room with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey." I greeted him, kissing him on the lips quickly. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot you were leaving today." I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder, embarrassed. As I was just resting there, I felt his shoulders starting to shake.

"Are you laughing?" I pulled back to look at my boyfriend who was indeed laughing. Hysterically. "What's so funny!" I slapped him on the arm.

"You've been so busy lately with school that I knew you'd forget, so I circled the date on your calendar. We're not actually leaving until tomorrow night." He laughed again. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. "I wanted us to spend some time together before I left. I hope you're not mad." He bit down on his bottom lip, driving me crazy. It was so hot when he did that.

"I should have known." I laughed. "It doesn't make sense to travel on a Friday night, you guys like to fly on Saturdays." I reminded myself out loud.

"You guys only like to fly on Saturdays? Why?" Lenny the sound guy just popped into the room.

"Because if they fly Saturday night, they can sleep in late the next morning and not feel like they are being underproductive." I answered. If there's one thing all the boys have in common, it's that they all like to use their time wisely.

"That's my girl." Wes grinned down at me and kissed the top of my head. "Hey, since you're here... do you wanna check out one of our new songs?" He suggested casually. I don't think he thought I woukd notice, but I picked up on it right away.

"You guys have a new song?!" I jumped up and down excitedly. Wes simply nodded to me and grinned slightly. After placing a quick kiss on my lips, he dashed out of the engineering room to join the guys in the booth. He whispered something to Drew and Keaton, who glnced back at me with smiles on their faces. Wes grabbed his guitar and set up next to a microphone as Drew did the same. Keaton had his bass slung over his shoulders next to a microphone as well, while a guy named Luther sat behind the drums.

Drew's guitar started off the beginning of the song; strumming slowly as it picked up slowly. Wes started off with the lyrics almost immediately.

La Da Da Da

La Da Da Da Dum Da

La Da Da Da Mm Daa

Ba Da Da Dum

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now