Chapter 64

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6 Years Later

The X Factor changed me. It changed all of us. It gave the boys the recognition they deserved, and an incredible fan base. The fans. Emblem3 fans were some of the best fans out there. And over the years, they continued to prove that to me. 

The boys were just kids back then; we were all kids, I suppose. But even now, reliving everything that happened as an adult, I couldn't help but smile. 

And we've all been through hell and back. There was a time when the boys broke up, and I was devastated. We all were. I mean, just the thought of Emblem3 never being together again, absolutely broke my heart. And Adrianna's. As well as millions of fans from all around the world.

But most importantly, it hurt my friendship with Adrianna. Ade and Drew were in an "on again, off again" relationship that seemed to go on infinitely. And when Drew decided to split from the band, they were on again. And so when he left, she left. She left, literally. During our Senior year of college, she decided to study abroad in Ireland for Fall Semester. So I didn't see her for months. And then right before graduation, we swallowed our pride and made up. 

And now, everything was right with the world again, and Emblem3 was back. The boys had just sold out their first stadium tour, and I was just finishing up my law school education.

"Hey!" Speak of the devil, Adrianna bounded up to me with a Starbucks coffee cup in both hands. "This one's for you." I accepted the caramel macchiato graciously.

"Thanks." I looked up from my textbook for a moment to see all the people snapping pictures in front of the triumphal arch in Washington Square Park.

"Are you going to be looking at that book all day?" Adrianna sat down next to me on the bench. "We're leaving for the concert at 6:30, you know."

"No, I'm not. But I have an exam next week that I need to study for." 

"Next week? Yeah, okay, overachiever. What are you reading, anyway?" Adrianna lifted the cover in order to read what was printed on the front. "American Constitutional Law... well that sounds... enthralling." The look of pure disgust on her face made me laugh out loud.

"It is." I defended my studies. "But you're right. We better get going if we want to make it to the Garden in time for the show."

"Do you need to swing by the apartment?" Adrianna asked me.

"Yeah, just to ditch these books. And I think I'm going to change into something nicer." I ran my hands over the legs of my incredibly worn out jeans.

"That's a good idea." Adrianna said, giving my t-shirt and jeans a once-over.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I wanted to laugh, but I put on a straight face to intimidate her a little bit.

"Nothing! Adrianna replied back, a little too flustered. "I- I- just meant that you might want to look nice. It's the last show of the tour, and we might take pictures afterwards or something, I don't know."

"Hey, are you okay?" I laughed now. "I was just joking around, you know." If I didn't know any better, I would say Adrianna was looking unnecessarily nervous. And I hadn't the slightest idea why. I was about to speak up, when Adrianna shook her head a couple times, rapidly.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course! I was just teasing you, too. Now come on! We've got a concert to get to!"

* * * * *

"Next stop 34th Street. Penn Station." 

"Hey, this is us." I nudged Adrianna who was crushed next to me in the incredibly full subway car.

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now