Chapter 4

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"Whose house?" I asked Wes as he pulled his car out of the school parking lot.

"Bryan's." He said turning onto the main road.

"Ughhhhh whyyyyyyy."

"Because he's the captain of the basketball team, and we just won the championship?" Wes laughed. "Aw come on Aves, it's not like we actually have to talk to him- there's going to be a million people there. All we have to do is eat his food and talk to our friends." He told me.

"Okay, as long as we don't have to hang out with him all the time. That guy's such a jack ass." And he was. Usually I'm not one to judge people, and with the exceptions of Bryan and Lindsey I didn't. They just reminded me of the people back home in New Jersey. Instead of jackass guys like Bryan who were captains of the basketball team there were jackass guys like Leonard and Chris who belonged to the country club.

The two types of people were very different, but their attitudes were the same. As we passed by the glowing lights of the city I couldn't help but notice how different my life had become. Everyone was so chill here as opposed to back home, and I liked it.

When we pulled onto Bryan's street I could see the cars that already lined the road. We weren't going to find a space here. Wes spoke up from the driver's seat. 

"We could just park on the next street over and cut through the backyard into Bryan's yard." Wes suggested. I nodded, that would be easier. So we parked against the curb and hopped out. The cool air hit me immediately and a shiver ran up and down my spine. Contrary to popular belief, California does get cold... like right now.

Wes felt me shiver against him as he took my hand. "Babe, you cold?" I shook my head no, but Wes knew I was lying. He laughed and unzipped his jacket. "Here take my warm up." He shrugged the jacket off his shoulders and held it out to me so I could slide my arms into it. His body heat still radiated in the fabric when he gave it to me.

I smiled and grabbed his hand again. The jacket was a little big so it fell over my hands slightly. I looked down at the material covering my shoulders. This was Wesley's favorite jacket, he wore it to school all the time. Everyone on the varsity team got a jacket for being on the team. Along with wearing them to school, the guys had to wear them while warming up on the court. 

The jacket was black, with Wesley's last name on the back in orange. On the front where a chest pocket would be was an embroidered basketball with his number written under it.

It took us a few seconds to trek through Bryan's neighbor's yard. When we got to the way back, we saw that there was a fence separating us from the party. It was about seven feet tall; we could probably get to the other side. Wes looked over at me and I could see him grinning in the dark.

"So?" He asked. I didn't get what he was saying until he held out his hands, motioning to the fact that he would lift me over.

"Oh hell no!" I laughed. "There's no way you're throwing me over this fence." He smiled.

"Chill out Aves, I'm just going to give you a boost so you can climb over." I heard him chuckling. 

"How are you going to get over?" I asked. "There's no way I can pull you over on my own." Not that I was a weakling, but Wes was an 18-year old boy.

"Just go find Drew or someone that can help me over." He said, but I could barely hear him over the pumping music. Okay, now that I could do. So I placed my foot on Wesley's hands and he hoisted me onto the fence with ease. I sat on top of the flat edge and gained my balance. I gave him one last look before I hopped down on the other side. 

"I'll be right back." I grinned. And with that I hopped off the fence and landed in the packed backyard of Bryan McKiernan. Shit, how was I ever going to find anyone in this crowd? My eyes scanned over the sea of people, but I couldn't really recognize anyone in the dim lighting. Thankfully after a few seconds I heard cheering and chanting.

Jason! Jason! Jason! 

Jason could help me! I shoved my way through the crowd up to the deck where Jason was standing. He saw me and pulled me into a huge hug. 

"Hey, Avery! Where's Stromberg?" 

"Actually, that's kind of what I need your help with." I laughed. I led him over to the back corner of the yard and Jason easily got Wes to the other side.

"Thanks bro," He said clapping Jason on the back. 

"Anytime. Hey, you guys wanna go celebrate?" Jason asked pointing to the keg a bunch of guys had just carried in. We cheered and made our way into the crowd. There were a bunch of instruments set up on the deck, but no one was playing them so it was a little weird that there was no music playing. We met up with Drew, Keaton and Adrianna a few minutes later.

"Hey great game!" I ran up and hugged Drew. Keaton hugged Wes at the same time.

"You were pretty good out there bro." He smiled. Wes punched him in the shoulder and wrapped his arm around his little brother. We were all talking and laughing when a frazzled Bryan came up to us.

"Hey, Wes bro. I need your help." He said

"What do you want Bryan?" Adrianna asked rolling her eyes. If Bryan didn't know that Adrianna hated him, he did now.

"Mark just called and bailed on me, Tom and Travis can't make it either."

"And?" Wes asked.

"And... I need you guys to perform." Bryan said. Drew and Wes didn't really look convinced. Bryan didn't exactly ask, he just kind of demanded.

"Nah. I think we're good here." Drew said as he looked around and we all nodded.

"Please. I'm desperate, and everyone knows who you guys are. They really like your band." Bryan pleaded. Drew and Wes exchanged grins.

"Fine. We'll do it."

Bryan grinned and was back to his old self. "Thanks guys, I owe you one." Once he left Wes and Drew turned back to us. 

"Well I guess this party has been cut short." Wes said looking at me sadly. 

"Yeah, but now we get to watch you guys play." I said throwing my arms around Jason and Adrianna. Or rather I tried to throw my arm around Jason, but he was too tall. Wes laughed at my awkward pose hanging between Adrianna and Jason and turned his head in Keaton's direction.

"You up to it bro?" Wes asked.

"Yeah why not. There aren't many people in my grade here anyway." I looked around, he was right. Bryan's backyard contained mostly juniors and seniors. The only sophomores here were either on the basketball team, or friends of people on the basketball team.

I smiled. "Okay, now go get set up." I kissed Wes on the cheek. "You're gonna kill it out there." I grinned. He squeezed my hand quickly and then left to go set up. I watched as he faded into the crowd.

"Hey cheer up." Jason said pointing to the small frown on my lips. But I didn't cheer up, for some reason I felt kind of empty. I looked up at Jason. "Don't worry Aves, basketball's almost over and you can have him all to yourself again." He smiled.

It was just tough. I went from spending an entire summer with him, hanging out every day with no distractions. But now that school has started, it feels like the year has been nothing but distractions. Don't get me wrong; it was way better than living on the other side of the country. Who knows what would have happened to our relationship if I had moved back to New Jersey? 

Being here has made me realize how busy Wes was and how hard he worked. We wouldn't have had time to talk with me on the east coast. Who knows if we would even still be together? And that scared me.

Hey guys! Hope you liked chapter 4! 30 more votes for the next one? :D

P.S. If you know the name of the band that was actually supposed to play tonight I will be seriously impressed ;)

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now