Brenda's Wrath.

34 1 3

Friday January 9th

Post #33

I have a lot of days during the school year where I literally refuse to go to school. Today, just happened to be another one of those days. Of course I ended up going, because my dad refused to let me stay home again. So I hurled myself out of my warm cozy bed just to hop into the coldest shower I've ever had to endure. The water felt like a million liquid icicles piercing my skin all at the exact same time. Not to mention the chilly weather outside that only made the pipes even colder. So not only did I shower in painfully cold water, but I also had to drive to school in a car that was freezing.

I was about ten seconds from being late to Mr. Summerton's class this morning. I wasn't kidding when I said I was refusing to get out of bed. Anyways, I doubt me being tardy would have mattered since Mr. Summerton wasn't even there. Embracing his polished wooden desk was a man who looked like he was in his late forties. He had a couple of gray highlights all around the very top of his black hair. I could tell from the chalkboard near the desk he stationed himself behind, that his name was Mr. Peters.

Once class was settled and Mr. Peters finished taking the attendance, he put some random educational movie on that no one really watched. I took the opportunity to work on some homework that was due in my next class when I felt a faint tap on my shoulder. It was Kristen-who looked overly excited to see me. She sat down in the empty desk in front of me, and began talking to me about the places she went and things she did over Christmas break. After a good ten minutes of listening to her holiday extravaganza, I realized I hardly got any of my work done. "Look I would love to hear more about your break-really, I would. But I have some homework to do, so it would be helpful if you could get to the important part."

Surprisingly she didn't look offended by what I said. If anything a wave of relief washed over her bare face. "I've been meaning to ask a favor of you." When I didn't respond, she went on to ask me to attend her family's first day of counseling tomorrow night. "My parents finally agreed to go, and I could really use your moral support, Sarah."

It's not that I didn't want to go, it's that I didn't understand why of all the people Kristen and her Gucci bag are constantly surrounded by, she chose me to go with her. "No offense or anything, but wouldn't you want someone more closer to you to participate in something so personal?" I asked. "Like Harper, Sam, or Lizzie?"

"Those girls don't get it," she blurted with no hesitation. "They're good people when you want to have a good time, but they don't care about anyone but themselves."

Due to the fact that Harper, Sam, Lizzie, and all of Kristen's other egoistic friends fit that description so perfectly, I eventually agreed to go to counseling with her tomorrow. Of course I spent most of the following hours thinking to myself about how strange that is. This was the girl who once bullied me because of her uncontrollable jealousy and want for everything I had. Kristen Howard-who swore she hated me down to her last bone, was asking me to help her get through a personal issue. It just doesn't feel real; it almost feels like a joke. But because I personally knew that a crumbling family wasn't a joke, I couldn't get myself to laugh. In fact all I could do was think of Jessie, and how I'd been by her side when she found out about her parents divorce and her dad's scandalous assistant. I thought about Kristen's parents and their continuous issues that could possibly lead up to a replay of Jessie's family last summer.

"Oh don't be so dramatic sweetie-I'm sure it won't get to that point," my mom said. She was in my room curling my hair while I ranted about Kristen's proposition.

"That's what dad said about Jessie's parents...and look at them now." I murmured that last part not wanting to kill the positive mood my mom was desperately trying to build.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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