Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Aonghus could feel the fire of the wound in his back, the wet sticky heat of his own lives blood as it seeped from him, the sounds around him seemed to swim in his mind. He could make out nothing distinctive, nothing he could pull apart from the whole and spend more of his lapsing attention upon it. His vision was nothing but smudged shadows before him, pierced every now and then by the silvery light of a moon that tried its best to break through the cloud cover and forest canopy. It was fighting a losing battle, just as Aonghus was.

His eyelids grew gradually heavier and heavier. He could not say how long he had lain there, only that it was becoming a fight to stay awake, and with how leaden his lids were, he started to question whether it was worth the battle any more. His mind wandered on turns and wheels, not latching on to one thought for too long, but as his mind spun, one image kept creeping its way back into the cycle he watched.

Sheena’s face floated in his vision. A smile tugged at his lips, or he thought it did, his entire body was feeling heavy by this point. Movement sluggish at best. At least she had managed to escape. He had taken away one threat to her, and with what he had seen she was capable of taking on anyone who came her way, he had just given her the time it would take for her to heal and on top form once more. His head listed to the side and as his world went black he was sure the angels themselves were calling his name. Finally losing his battle with consciousness, he was not aware of the fact that as his mind stopped, his lips uttered one word…”Sheena.”


Fyfa paced the main hall, holding Aibne close as he grizzled in the depths of the night. Making the soothing noises that seemed to come naturally with motherhood, she swayed as she paced, trying to make the motion soothing rather than nauseous. But with her mind occupied with the events happening above, she was not entirely sure part of Aibne’s fussing was actually over her actions. A quick glance showed Leathan slept calmly and peacefully, with nary a snuffle in Edine’s arms, after Isla had had one of the stray men go and collect her from her family’s cottage. Leaving her own bairn’s to help take care of the Laird’s. But the woman was not one to complain on such things, none of the clan were. In fact the only one who would complain, is the one who should be looking after her niece and nephew. Larena had become more of a recluse since Fyfa had taken her place at Hamish’s side, the women who had been her allies had dispersed and found their own bellies getting large, as Larena had been left behind, a banshee to all who came near.

Even now, as the clan pulled together to help in any way they could. Nessia had arrived just after Edine, other women had appeared to see what could be done, before dispersing to help with the families of those who had found jobs in the Keep this night. The kitchen maids had been awakened and put to work making warming meals for their guests and at the call of Nessia for whatever concoction she wished made in a matter of seconds. Turning back towards the roaring hearth, she passed tables that had been erected once more, as most of Kendrick’s men would await news of their leader’s friend before they slept. Loyalty shone from their very actions. They sat talking quietly, partaking of the victuals that had been hastily put together in the reawakened kitchens.

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