Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Um... Hi... Ms. Holmes?" A small hand tugged on the back of her coat. Annabeth turned around.

"Oh hello! What's your name?" She smiled, dealing with kids was her favorite.

"Um I'm Gracie... Would you sign this?" She held out a pad of paper and a pen.

"Of corse Gracie!" Annabeth smiled at the young girls mom as she signed her name. "There ya go!" She handed it back and hugged the little girl, who then laughed and ran back to her mom as Annabeth continued on her way. She passed a small bakery as she realized just where she was. She stopped, looking up at the window when a hand grabbed her and pulled her inside the flat.

"I have a phone!" She exclaimed

"Whenever you wonder around London you always end up here." Sherlock started walking up the steps and she followed him.

"Still you don't have to yank me." She smiled as they walked through the door. Sherlock went to sit in his chair and she leaned on the mantle inspecting his skull. "Billy I believe you called him." Sherlock snatched it away when he realized what she had been talking about.

"I assume you haven't told Mycroft?" He asked gesturing to John's chair

"No... I assume you have told John?"

"Why would you think that?" She leaned her head down and gave him a are-you-kidding-me look and they laughed. "Yes he knows. Not sure what he'll feel if he comes in and sees you."

"It's not like I've changed." Sherlock looked at her, and she was right. Annabeth was still the same person she had been when they were growing up. Just now they knew she was engaged to a criminal. "My, will freak though. You know he will."

"That's why I wanted to talk to you first, know the story."

"I met him two years ago when he was undercover, doing a job, I forgot what. He was trying to act normal so he asked me on a date, I said yes, but he didn't know my last name and I didn't know his. After a few more dates he said he had to go away but that he would stay in touch. I had no way of knowing if he had really meant it, but he did contact me a lot. We started going out again when he came back. It was a year before we even told each other who we were. And by then... we didn't care!" As soon as she finished they heard the door slam.

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE "Sherlock..." It was Mary's voice.

"Sherlock?" Now John's. They laughed. Annabeth and Sherlock froze. Sherlock shook his head when she debated hiding.

"She thinks that-" John stopped dead when he saw Annabeth freezing in the doorway. His face hardened, as his eyes shifted from her to her brother.

"John what's..." She walked past him and saw Annabeth. "Oh hello!"

"John." Sherlock stood up and so did Annabeth grabbing her bag.

"I'd better leave." She started to walk past John but he put his hand out and stopped her.

"Nope nope. Haha. Your not going anywhere." He walked her back to the couch and she sat down.

"John I've already talked to her."

"What's going on?" Mary was confused.

"He wants me to tell him myself. To his face." Annabeth started to seem almost angry. "He wants me to tell him..." She stood up and walked towards John, who stood frozen by the door. "That I'm dating Jim Moriarity." She crossed her arms so her left hand was on top.

"Why?" John asked, he couldn't take his eyes of the ring. Annabeth picked her bag for the second time, and walked past John.

"Like Sherlock said, he already talked to me. And I don't like repeating myself." She walked out the door. All John and Sherlock could think was that she had just sounded exactly like Jim. They made eye contact and both men knew. It might not be the best idea if Moriarity rubbed off on the little sister of two of the biggest people in England.


Annabeth flipped the page of her book, it was a little past noon, and surprisingly Jim was still asleep. She pulled the blankets up to her chin and reached over to tussle his black hair. His hand reached out and found her seeming to try and pull her closer.

"Jim?" She laughed but he didn't answer. "Come on... I know your up." She was still whispering, but he didn't move. He was asleep. Annabeth chuckled. "Love you too." She kissed the top of his head and slid out from in between his arms. Walking into the bathroom, she started the shower. Sherlock had texted her seventeen times to be exact. And Mycroft had called four. She sighed.

"I have a life you know." She sighed as Jim came slumping in sporting a very nice bead head, and his flannel pajama pants.

"Morning." He yawned resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You can take this one. I need to phone my brothers." She said motioning to the shower and leaving. Not giving him time to respond.

"Hello?" Mycroft sounded like he had been... crying? 'Well that's impossible!' Annabeth thought 'must of been yelling'

"You called?"

"Um yes Sherlock was worried because you weren't responding. Is everything alright?" Mycroft was lying if Sherlock was that worried he would of busted in the flat. Mycroft's brotherly concern never failed to surprise her.

"Yes I slept in late... Then I started reading... My phone must of fallen under my dresser while I was sleeping." She was babbling now.

"Annabeth are you sure?" She hated lying to him. Or Sherlock. Always had.

"... Yes sorry My, got to go, I'll phone later." She hung up before texting Sherlock.

Annabeth HolmesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang