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As soon as John left Annabeth woke up from her fake slumber and grabbed her coat, rushing to her flat. Maybe she could just fix it. Like she did with Sherlock.

Once Annabeth got there, she started to get her key out before she realized that it was unlocked. Confused, Annabeth walked inside to hear her favorite song, and it smelt like brownies were baking in the kitchen. Along with the smell of chocolate she could also detected the slight smell of smoke and booze. Jim. Annabeth slowly climbed the stares toward their room.

"Jim?" She called out. Frankly she was getting a little scared. Once she got to the door the smell of Smoke and Booze got so much worse. She winced, Jim went crazy like this only when something really bad had happened. After his plans went wrong, or after a suspect in one of his jobs ran free. "Jim?" Her heart broke in half when she saw him passed out on their bed, surrounded by two packs of smokes and three bottles of wine. Along with glasses and an almost overflowing ash tray. "Baby," she started crying, until she felt him stirring under her hand.

"Anna?" His words were slurred, but he was awake.

"Jim! Oh my god are you okay? I'm so sorry baby!" She sat on the bed, holding him.

"You... forgot this..." He said sobering up, in his hand was her ring. She started crying even harder when he slipped it back on her finger.

"I love you..." He said falling asleep on her lap.

"... I love you too Jim." She picked up her phone to call her brothers. Every thing was going to be alright.


When Jim woke up the next morning, he smelt coffee, eggs, and bacon. He was confused, before his drunk and groggy memories came back to him. He walked out to see Annabeth in the kitchen cooking. He went up to her and kissed her head acting as if everything was fine.

"Morning." He said

"Morning sleepy head." She said turning around to kiss him. He let go of her and she turned back around to continue making breakfast.

"... Can we talk." Annabeth froze. She had been completely content on pretending the events of the last 24 hours never happened.

"What about?" She stirred the eggs.


"I'd rather not." She admitted, turning back to the stove. Jim walked up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist.

"So are we just going to forget that we almost broke off our wedding?"

"Sounds good to me." He could tell she was trying to get him off the subject.

"I'm sorry. I know it was hard to tell your brothers." Annabeth sighed turning the stove off and looking at him.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have let it go on as long as I did. I overreacted to what my brother was capable of." He hugged her.

"So everything's fine now? They know?"

"Do they know?... Yes. Is everything alright?... I don't know. Sherlock answered the first time I called him. But I had to text Mycroft. He would pick up. So... I don't know." He pulled her closer. "

Maybe we should talk to Sherlock today. Both of us. Together." She thought about that. Even if Mycroft was mad she wanted to stay close to Sherlock.

"Okay." She agreed. So after their homemade breakfast and some dancing that Jim insisted on, they got ready and went to 221b Baker Street.


(two years later)

"Annabeth! Annabeth, over here!" The camera men yelled at her trying to get her to answer their questions, she waved but walked on up the red carpet. Jim at her side. And her baby bump pulling at her elegant dress.

"Annabeth is this your new husband?" A reporter asked, Annabeth decided to stop and answer, good publicity is better than none.

"Yes it is."

"Hello, I'm Jim." They had both agreed to say Jim's last name as little as possible.

"Wow you too look great together, seriously!"

"Thank you." They replied together

"So when are you due?" The women asked gesturing to the bump.

"October. 5 months."

"Wow and filming also!"

"Well the effects took a while so we were finishing up filming when I was two months along." She smiled and Jim stayed quiet at her side.

"Well I look forward to seeing another one of your masterpieces!" They laughed and walked on.

After the movie was over just about the same thing happened on the way out. Jim was asked a few more questions and answered appropriately. Until they got into a sleek black car and drove away.

"I'm guessing no alcohol?" Sherlock asked jokingly.

"No you idiot." Annabeth playfully hit him.

"I was thinking we could all go to that place in town... You could call John and Mary." Mycroft was already setting up reservations. Annabeth was ecstatic. She and her brothers were closer than ever. She was married to the man she loved and had a baby on the way. Never in a million years would she of thought this would happen... But when it did it all fell into place... It was just so Elementary.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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