Chapter Twenty-Five

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What's so important!?!? -AH

It's after noon where were you?-SH

Sleeping... Then reading.-AH

That's all?-SH

Jim was there. Don't play with me Sherlock I know what your asking. -AH

You still haven't....? -SH


Just asking.-SH

The fact that you don't trust me is so comforting-AH

It's him I don't trust.-SH

Sherlock I told you I'm not playing this game with you-AH

What game?-SH


Fine meet me at Baker Street when you can I'll call Mycroft.-SH



You'll help me tell him? Won't you?-AH

Sherlock? Please I don't think he'd be as mad if you were with me on this... Like backing me up-AH

Now I'm not saying you have to tell him your okay with it I know your not-AH

Just please...-AH

Of corse.-SH

Thank you.-AH

You know... If he hurts you I'll murder him myself. :) -SH

God Sherlock not again with the faces-AH


I know Sherlock...I would expect nothing less. :)-AH

I love you. -SH

I love you too.-AH


The music flooded the room as Jim twirled Annabeth. All the furniture had been pushed to the windows to make a small dance floor, in their flat. Her skirt was spinning almost getting tangled in her legs.

"We should do this more often." Annabeth laughed. She loved when he made her forget the world.

"We'll turn the kitchen into the living room and make this the dance room." He smiled dipping her low toward the ground. They danced and danced, something Annabeth admitted she hadn't had much practice in before. Which led to Jim moving all the furniture, and bringing the small radio down from their room.

"Sounds like a plan!" They laughed and kissed before the song came to an end."Thank you." She kissed him again.

"You really didn't know how to dance?" Jim asked surprised.

"I mean I did! But I never had much use for the skill before." He nusseled his head into her neck, laying her down on the couch.

"Well I will defiantly change that." Jim loved dancing and it was only fitting that his soon-to-be-wife like it too. "Annabeth Moriarity." She giggled, leaning her head back and Jim took the opportunity to capture her lips in a kiss stealing the breath she had been taking. He crawled on top of Annabeth, as her arms slid up to curl loosely around his neck. Annabeth's phone started to ring but they didn't even notice. Jim had shed his jacket and tie and Annabeth her shirt leaving her in her tank top.

"I. Should. Probably. Get. That." She panted, Jim's lips moved to her neck as she reached for the phone.

"Jim!" She tried to stop him only making him suck harder until a moan escaped her lips and he slid off of her smiling smugly. "Hello?" They were still breathing hard but she was better.

"Annabeth?" It was John. He sounded worried.

"John, what's wrong?" She sat up and pushed Jim off as he tried to kiss her again.

"It... It's Sherlock h- he's hurt!"

"Oh my gosh! I'll be right their!"

"Bart's... And hurry!" She hung up and grabbed her coat.

"Darling what's wrong?" Jim tried to slow her down.

"I- I can't... I have to go Sherlock's hurt!" She was crying as he helped her out the door. "I'll call you when I know!" They kissed on the porch and she called a cab. Their beautiful moment gone in a flash.


"Ugh." Sherlock grunted waking up.

"Oh my gosh! John, Mycroft, he awake!" He felt Annabeth grab his hand. "Sherlock? It's okay were here!" She sounded scared

"Wha- what happened?" He tried to sit up realizing he was in a hospital.

"You were hit. Not bad. But it was on your head so you blacked out." John said seeming relived and Mycroft... was Mycroft.

"Annabeth he's awake. Now you can eat and sleep!" Mycroft walked over to her

"You haven't been sleeping?" Sherlock actually seemed worried.

"God Sherlock don't you dare worry about me right now!" She swatted the air, afraid to hit him.

"Sleep!" He commanded gently touching her hand. She sighed and walked over to the small chair in his room. Falling asleep almost instantly. "How long have I been out?"

"Just three days. Sherlock they caught the robber, and now he's in jail." John was reading him off the newspaper after their slight conversation about the case they had been working, when Mycroft walked in

"I have to go a meeting, I guess I'll drop her off by her flat little out of the way... but maybe I'll just meet that boyfriend of hers." He went to go wake her. Sherlock and John shared a look and as much as John hated it he knew what he had to do.

"Nonsense, I'm heading home anyway. And her flat is on the way to mine. I'll take her." Mycroft hesitated.

"Well then I guess I'll be on my way." He left then and John went to wake up Annaebeth.

"Wait!" Sherlock said

"What?" John stopped

"Sometimes she talked in her sleep it's funny." John sat in the chair by Sherlock's bed, and they waited.

They were completely fooled by her mumbling, but in truth she had woken up before Mycroft left. She was just playing with them.

"Sherlock's.... an... Idiot." She mumbled, and suddenly had a pillow lodged at her head. John and Annabeth started laughing.

"I'd better get going. I believe Mycroft already talk to them so you can take him home?" She asked John while grabbing her bag.

"Um yes he did." She walked beside Sherlock and hugged him.

"Be careful!"

"I should be telling you the same thing." They stared at each other for a long time before she walked out the door.

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