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The doorbell buzzed again pulling Annabeth out of a deep sleep.

"Jim... Jim would you get that?" She opened to eyes not to see Jim, but on his side of the bed a note reading,

'Sherlock is coming over. I'll see you tonight, my dear.' -JM

She smiled and shoved the note under her pillow. She brushed out her hair and through a shirt off over her tank-top to answer the door.

"Sherlock it's 10:00 in the morning!"

"Exactly," he said walking in the door "perfect time for a visit." He walked around like he was looking for something. Annabeth gritted her teeth

"He's not here Sherlock. He went to work." She went and sat on the couch. Sherlock followed. "Why are you so anxious to meet him?"

"You've been with him for two years and none of us have met him. Don't you think that's a little odd?"

"No, no I don't." She sat up defensively. "We just made up Sherlock. One step at a time." She said, which is what she had been telling Mycroft for the past two years.

"This is a good location." He commented on the flat, changing the subject.

"Yes got it for a good deal too." She smiled. Yes Jim had "gotten" a very good deal. Sherlock nodded. "I can take a shower real quick if you want to go grab some lunch?" She asked already walking upstairs.

"Hm, oh of corse!" Sherlock knew it this was his chance to search the place. The water was going for about five minuets before he got up to look. Heading straight for her room, he look around, nothing out of the ordinary. The locked door across from hers must be her boyfriends. He searched and searched before he felt something stiff and cold under her pillow, a note. "Why would Jim Moriarity be threatening her?" He said aloud.

The water turned off and he quickly ran back to the couch tucking the letter in his jacket pocket. She came down fully ready just a few minuets later.

"Ready?" She asked grabbing her coat.

"Yes." He responded. Throwing his coat on he decided that he would wait till they were with Mycroft to ask, but he couldn't think of any reason Moriarity would want to hurt her. Unless is was to get to him.


Mycroft sat as his desk his laptop humming as he searched every website, trying to find out anything on Annabeth having a boyfriend. Besides finding a few very graphic fan made stories and news clips of media poisoned gossip, there was nothing. He hoped Sherlock had had better luck at her flat. He called him to ask.

"Sherlock did you find anything, I'm coming up on dirt."

"Mycroft I found a note to Annabeth from Jim Moriarity." Sherlock read him the note and Mycroft almost dropped his phone.

"So he's threatening her?"

"I guess."

"He hasn't shown himself in months! Maybe he's been hiding."

"I don't know and I don't like not knowing. I'll see if she says anything." He hung up and walked back into the café where Annabeth was waiting. They ordered their food and talked for a while, Sherlock didn't even know what to say.

"So nothing's been going wrong?"

"Nope, perfect!"

"So will you at least tell me his name?!" Sherlock pleaded

"No Sherlock I told you. One step at a time."

"So that means that he's someone I wouldn't like. And you haven't told Mycroft either meaning it's someone we both don't care for. He's not famous I'm guessing going by your last experience." She looked down, but Sherlock kept talking "He works long hours but seems to be at home at random times, saying that he's most likely self employed. A business man perhaps. Now why wouldn't you want us to meet a normal everyday business man?" He steepled his hands under his chin. Something he Mycroft and Annabeth all did, they learned it from Mycroft.

"Sherlock," she said "please trust me. I want to take this slow." He couldn't doubt the look of sincerity in her eyes so he dropped it, but he couldn't shake this feeling that their was more to this then she was telling him. And Sherlock Holmes always finds out what he wants.


Jim watched from the fire escape of the building besides the café that Annabeth and Sherlock were havering lunch in. Honestly he was a little freaked out when he found out that Annabeth was Sherlock's sister, but by that time he already loved her. He was so surprised and shocked that he had told her what he was, he thought that she would run to her brother, thought that she would be disgusted, appalled! She wasn't even afraid. She had told him that even though he had murder more people than she had ever met, she knew he would never hurt her. He never told her, but that made him want to cry. He had never loved anyone as much as he loved her. Jim stood up from his crouched position as Annabeth and Sherlock got up to leave. He fingered the small box in his inside coat pocket.

"Sherlock will not get in my way." He stated to himself walking toward his black car, to take himself back to their flat.

"Jim I want to tell Sherlock." Annabeth yelled walking through the door. Jim walked into the hallway seeing her sad made him sad.

"If you want to then we should." He pulled her into his arms, holding her hands behind her back so she couldn't skip out.

"I just know he's going I react badly! They both will!" She nusseled her head in his chest and he kissed her hair.

"If they love you, they'll forgive you." He had given up on telling her that her brothers wouldn't care that she was dating him. "Probably not at first but it won't take too long darling." He ensured her. She had become quite and was now shaking, he tucked his hand under her chin pulling her face up. She was crying. He walked her to the couch and they laid down.

"I don't want to lose you." She sniffled.

"And you won't." He hugged her "Not ever." Now that he was sure of.

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