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Sherlock and Mycroft exchanged a look as their sister ran up the stairs to her room, without saying a word. They heard the door close quietly. Mycroft started up after her, and Sherlock after him.

"Sometimes I just loathe kids so much! They makes me so cross!" Mycroft knocked on the door, but after a few minutes just walked in anyway. To find what they always did when walking in to Annabeth's room she was curled in a ball in the corner of the room crying quietly. Sherlock went to her side while Mycroft went to go get a wet cloth. Annabeth curled into Sherlock shaking as he held her.

"Annabeth... Here let me see it." Mycroft's hand slowly cupped her chin and brought her face up to the light. It was bruising, half of her small face was purple and swelled up. Mycroft sighed and Annabeth winced.

"Sorry" she hated that sound.

Annabeth was only 6, Sherlock was 8, and Mycroft was 15. All of the Holmes kids had it bad at school. But they all agreed Annabeth and Sherlock had it worse just about every other day one of them came home with bruises, cuts, or scraps and Mycroft had to deal with them, but he didn't mind. He liked taking care of his siblings and hated when they got hurt. Mycroft lifted Annabeth onto her bed and Sherlock followed.

"School kids?" Sherlock asked and the young girl just nodded. Annabeth brought her hand up to her face and pressed lightly. It still hurt. Soon enough Mycroft started to get up and checked the clock.

"It's already 10 o'clock. You too should get ready for bed." His phone rang as soon as he finished and the eldest Holmes walked out the door pulling it too.

"Sherlock?" Annabeth whispered quietly

"Hm." Sherlock replied standing up.

"Thank you." She smiled which she rarely did and Sherlock hugged her before leaving and turning out the light.


"Annabeth are you even paying attention?" The small child looked up, bored with her first grade classroom, and it wasn't even lunch yet. She could already do division and multiplication. She could add 10+17.

"Not particularly." She replied making sure that her hair fell over the bruised side of her face.

"Then if you aren't paying attention, you must know the answer." She scanned the white bored.

"27." She answered starting to stare out the window again. The teacher looked very cross, but continued with the lesson. She couldn't complain Annabeth was her best student 100% on everything, and when she took her notebook up because she wasn't listening, it was all either math, science, or deductions about the class (which were always right). The youngest Holmes looked up at the clock 'and 5, 4, 3, 2,' The lunch bell rang and the teacher dismissed the class. 'Finally' Annabeth thought 'time to see Sherlock and Mycroft!' She only saw them twice every week when all the schools lunches lined up.

"Annabeth can you stay back a bit?" The teacher asked, she walked up to her desk.

"Is there a problem?"

"Um no. It's just, you seemed more distant are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes completely fine." She said straight faced, but as she started to walk away her hair blew away from her face.

"Oh Annabeth!" The teacher tried to reach out to her, but Annabeth rushed out the door before she could say anything more.


Mycroft, Sherlock, Sherlock's new friend John, and Annabeth all sat at a small round table outside in the yard to eat their lunches. Mycroft shared his stories of upper school while John and Sherlock traded things in their lunch. Annabeth wrote in her notebook then showed Mycroft asking him if her deductions were correct. Which they usually were. "All I'm saying is that the teacher read the book wrong and he takes it as being a smart arse!"

"Sherlock I'll trade you my chicken dippers for your fish?" John asked as Sherlock pondered it, then just shrugged and switched. A kid from Sherlock's grade walked by as Sherlock was about to eat and pushed his face down so he got ketchup all over it.

"Freak!" The kids laughed until Mycroft stood up they all ran away and the table was quiet as Sherlock wiped his face.

"My teacher tried to make me pay attention in math today." Annabeth stated trying to change the subject and the boys chuckled. All of the sudden a chip drenched in ketchup flew across the table landing directly on Mycroft's face. Sherlock and John erupted into laughter, giving who did it away in a second, as Annabeth tried her hardest not to join in. People at tables near them began to stair at the four kids, but none of them noticed as the least normal kids in school acted completely normal.

Annabeth HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now