Present day

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Annabeth smiled when she saw the text from her boyfriend. She hadn't seen him last night. He said he had some "work" to get done, and she hadn't questioned it. The movie premier ended and she stood up with the rest of the actors and bowed at the front of the cinema. Her ninth movie she's done. She was more famous than both her brothers combined.

Annabeth walked out into the camera flashing crowd waving and smiling to every angle until she got to a sleek black car with the door held open for her.

"Hello, sister dear." Said a familiar voice as she got in.

"Mycroft!" She said hugging him as much as the small car allowed.

"Thought we could grab some dinner while your in town."

"Of corse!" The black car turned onto a small street and Annabeth caught just a glimpse of the name before the sign was out of sight.

"Mycroft, you know that we're not talking." The sign had said Baker Street.

"Well maybe it's time to change that."

"Well maybe it's not!" Silence filled the parked car.

"It's been two years." Mycroft finally said to his feet.

"And soon it will be three. I can count Mycroft!" He sighed, knowing how much she hated the sound.

"It's been to long just to randomly start again." Mycroft motioned to the driver and he started the car. The car was silent the rest of the way to Annabeth's flat.

"I'm in town till April. Scored a little of a break. I'll call you tomorrow." She smiled and got out. Mycroft didn't notice the other black car parked outside the complex.


"Honey I'm home!" Annabeth put her bookmark in her book and ran to kiss her boyfriend of two years.

"I was so worried." She said, as they moved to the couch. They laughed and she picked up the newspaper

"Three unsolved murders? Scotland Yard has no new leads. Sherlock Holmes on the case."

"Sorry the numbers are low, I had an off day. He won't get to far don't worry." His thick Irish accent rolling off his toung. She rolled her eyes and kissed him again. "I saw Mycroft today." His hands stopped at her hips, his lips on her neck. "He wanted me to talk to Sherlock"

"Did you tell him?"

"No, my relationship with my eldest brother has been worn too thin."

"You don't think he should know?"

"No one knows." She ran her hands thorough his hair messing up his perfect spikes. She laid her head back as he started to kiss her neck again. A moan escaped her lips as he sucked harder.

"Why don't we move this to the bedroom?" He picked her up before she could say anything.

"Jim Moriaty I love you." She had only time to say that before she and the consulting criminal fell onto the bed.


Annabeth walked in and saw Mycroft sitting with his umbrella beside him. She approached the table and took off her sun glasses.

"Almost expected not to find you alone." She said sitting down across from him

"Well," Mycroft started as the door opened to reveal a tall man with dark curly hair and a long coat

"I told you My, I'm not doing this!" She turned to the wall as he approached.

"You wanted to see me." He stood at the end of the table, turned ever so slightly that he blocked out the girl.

"I'm leaving." She said moving out of the booth.

"No your not!" Mycroft blocked her with his umbrella "Not until you two talk!"

She slid back in and Sherlock slid in beside her. They were as far away from each other as the small booth allowed. Annabeth pulled out her phone and Mycroft snatched it out of her hand as did he Sherlock's.

"Hey!" They both said in unison.

"Talk!" Mycroft's stern voice filled the area.

"Hello." Sherlock's back was still halfway turned.

"How have you been?"

"Fine and you?"

"Fine." Mycroft started to rub his temples with his fingers. Annabeth's phone started to buz and he flipped it across the table, she caught it mid air and begin to type.

"It's been two years. How long are you two going to keep up this childish feud?" Annabeth handed her phone back to Mycroft without question. The door opened again and all the Holmes children looked up as a Shorter blond man in a jumper walked over to their table.

"Sherlock, you wanted me?"

"Um yes that new case Lestrade phoned about," Sherlock started to get up, but Mycroft stood in his way.

"I'm sure John can handle that nicely." Sherlock's jaw clenched and the brothers had a stand off as Annabeth tried to quietly slip out. Mycroft shifted ever so slightly to be in both of their ways.

"Mycroft what is this about?" The man, John, asked. Annabeth wiggled out and stood up.

"Hello, I'm Annabeth. Annabeth Holmes."

"Oh my, your... Oh my god I love your movies." Annabeth smiled and turned to Mycroft

"Now if were done here, I have someone waiting for me at home." She waved her phone and Mycroft's hand flew to his pocket where he had been keeping them. She flipped Sherlock his and walked out.

"Unwise brother dear." She hummed as the door slid shut.

Annabeth HolmesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin