Chapter Four

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Sherlock had gone back to Baker Street, but John had stayed to talk to Mycroft.

"The way Sherlok talked about her I just assumed she was a distant cousin."

"By the way they communicate she might as well be." Mycroft sipped his tea "But no Annabeth is our little sister. Only two years younger than Sherlock."

"So why do they hate each other?"

"Well, you heard about Anthony Herald's murder a few years ago? Yes?"

"Yeah it was all over the Telly."

Mycroft leaned in so he could wisper "Well Sherlock knew who did it"

John looked shocked.

"but he couldn't say and Anthony was Annabeth's fiancé. It was hidden from the public so she couldn't even attend the funeral."

"So who did it?" John was confused. Why hadn't Sherlock just told him?

"Magunessen." John froze

"He's dead. Sherlock... Shot him." Both the men shuttered at the memory.

"It was two years ago, and if Sherlock had told, who knows what he would have done." John sat back. He couldn't believe it, Sherlock's little sister hated him.

"Sherlock loves her. That's why he stays away." Mycroft payed the bill and got up to leave. "And she loves him." He sighed and walked out the door, leaving John alone.

"Wow." John sat back thinking. Sherlock was more complicated then he ever thought. He just couldn't believe that Sherlock wouldn't have said who did it. John grabbed his coat and walked out to hail a cab. He was going to get the bottom of this.


John walked into the flat to find Sherlock reading the news paper and twirling a gun on his fingers.

"Give me that!" John shouted taking the gun from him.

"I'm bor..."

"Why haven't you talked to your sister for two years." John cut him off. Sherlock seemed to straighten up.

"Why this sudden interest in Annabeth?" He stared into the kitchen avoiding John's face

"Mycroft told me, he told me that you knew who did it and you wouldn't say!"

"He could of hurt you John. He threatened to hurt you. He tried!" John sat down in his chair across from Sherlock.

"Sherlock, she's your family."

"She shouldn't of been with him anyway." He retorted. John raised his eyebrows

"It was a publicity stunt!" He stood up. "At least it was for him!" He rubbed the bridge of his nose, and passed around the flat. "I never told her because she really did like him."

"Sherlock?" John asked confused

"I was talking to him about a week after he proposed," Sherlock sat back down. "He was drunk and he told me it all he was going to get engaged to the 'hottest new star!' as he put it. And them dump her a month before the wedding shooting his ratings up and hers down. It would of ruined her." He said slowly "So when Magunessen said he was going to die I did nothing."

"Did you ever tell her?" John asked. Sherlock shook his head.

"You have to tell her."

"No! Even now it would ruin her." John sighed.

"She would understand." Sherlock laid his head back.

"She would... hate... herself."

"Or she'll go on hating you!" John got up and grabbed his coat. "Your choice Sherlock."


"Morning." Annabeth was awoken by his lips on hers. She turned her body so she was lying on top of Jim.

"Good morning indeed!" She kissed him again, as her phone started to ring. She reached to the side as far as she could and barely reached it on the dresser.

"Hello?" She coughed and they both laughed.

"Annabeth... It's me."

"Sherlock" Jim sat up moving Annabeth to his lap and putting his lips on her shoulder, calming her down.

"I would like to... talk to you, is that okay?" Annabeth didn't know what to say.

"What does Sherlock want?" Jim whispered against Annabeth's back. She shhed him and he nusseled her neck.

"Um ya sure. I'm free today?"

"Would you meet me at Baker Street, at noon?"

"Of corse Sherlock. Um see you... then." He hung up and Annabeth through her phone down, needing a distraction, she started to make out with Jim. He seemed to be okay until she started to go harder.

"Annabeth dear!" He broke off from her, cupping her face in his hands.

"I...I..." She broke down crying on his chest.

"Annabeth?" Jim was confused, startled, and frankly scared that something was wrong with his girlfriend.

"Sorry sorry." She sniffled sliding off of him. He kept his arms around her, holding her tight as she calmed down.

"I'm okay really. It just caught me off guard that's all." She broke off looking at him concern filling his eyes.

"I can go if you want? Stay in the shadow. Watch through the window!" They laughed and he pulled her in again.

"No no I'm fine he won't hurt me."

Jim slid Annabeth back on top of him and twisted his hand in her hair his other one resting in the small of her back, keeping her close

"No he won't," he kissed her "and as far as I'm concerned he never will again."

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