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"Woah, Jesus Sherlock!" John put his hand over Sherlock's cup just in time for his phone to bounce off of it and not fall into the drink.

"What's wrong?" Mary asked walking in from the kitchen. Sherlock grabbed his phone from off the floor and started to leave.

"Something's come up." He didn't turn back. "I have to go." He left before John and Mary could say anything. Hailing a cab Sherlock jumped out the door immanently followed by John.

"Sherlock what's going on!" He grabbed the back of his coat making him stop.

"Moriarity!" Sherlock almost screamed throwing his phone at John. He caught it and look at the message,

'The pool house, we need to talk... NOW. -JM'

Sherlock stole back his phone.

"Why is he just showing up again now? After his big stunt you think he'd do something... I don't know more.... large scale!" Sherlock paced on the sidewalk running his hands through his hair.

"It's something to do with Annabeth, I knew she was in trouble!" He finally caught sight of a cab that stopped.

"Sherlock you can't go alone!" John protested following him

"I'll be fine, I need you to stay by your phone in case I text." Sherlock got into the cab and drove away, all John could think about was when Moriarity had occupied every screen and radio station in all of England, saying 'Did you miss me? Did you miss me?' Over and over again.

"What's going on?" Mary ran out to John, she looked worried.

"Moriarity." He answered. John debated calling Mycroft or even Annabeth to see if she was okay, but he knew he would have to act faster.

"Don't leave the flat!" John yelled getting into a cab of his own, "I'll be right back." He told the driver Mycroft's address. Best to go to him first, just to be safe.


The pool house still had an ere glow about it, just as it had the last time Sherlock had visited it. The memory glared in his mind as he took the first few steps to see Jim Moriarity leaning against the door of a changing room rubbing the bridge of his nose. He looked stressed

"Why now?" Sherlock asked. "After all that mess? Thought you would of bombed a senior home." Jim rolled his eyes, rubbing his hand down his face.

"I don't have time for you snide comments Sherlock!" Now by that Sherlock was confused. What was so important that they couldn't go back and forth first. They always did that. "I told you we needed to talk."

"We are talking. Now if this is about my sister-" Jim looked up surprised

"How did you know?"

"I found the note." He flipped him the piece of paper. Jim walked forward as he read it.

"So she told you." He didn't look up from the note.

"No, it's not that hard to figure out. She's been acting very secretive lately and now a note from a criminal appears under her pillow. I have only one question for you. What do you want from Annabeth?"

"What do you mean?" Jim was confused if Sherlock knew about them, then he knew what he wanted from her.

"Why would you be blackmailing her, unless you wanted something. Fear, secrets, leverage?" Now at this Jim groaned

"I'm not blackmailing her you IDIOT!" He screamed the last part as he does.

"Then why else would you..." The note dropped out of Sherlock's hand as it all connected. The note, the secret boyfriend, the locked room in her flat. Moriarity. "No." He breathed the word.

"There ya go Sherlock. I'm not blackmailing her am I?" Jim asked circling around him.

"No." Sherlock repeated

"Nope! So Sherlock if I'm not blackmailing your little sister what must I be doing?" He smiled knowing what was coming next.

"You're..." Sherlock could barley even say the next part. "dating her."

"BINGO! But Sherlock here's why we need to talk." Jim started

"Why? Why would you tell me this when she seemed so contempt in keeping it?"

"That's the thing she's not. She hates keeping secrets from you two." He was talking about Sherlock and Mycroft. "And that's becoming a problem for me." Sherlock wanted to get out as soon as he could.

"Why?" He hadn't moved.

"Well that's what I'm hoping she'll tell you." He stopped right in front of Sherlock.

"Why-" Sherlock started, but what else could he say?


John ran up the steps to Mycroft's front door. It took him a while to get the key out of his pocket because he was rushing, but once he got inside he stop dead.

"Oh. Hello John!" Mycroft exclaimed.

Annabeth sat in the seat beside him, sipping at a cup of tea.

"Have you seen Sherlock I need to talk to him?" She sat up, looking worried.

"You're here!... I mean your not captured by... by..." John started to pace around the room rubbing his face.

"John what going on?" They walked over to him Mycroft stoping him with a hand on his shoulder. "Where's Sherlock?"

"He went to the pool house! He thought Moriarity had Annabeth!"

"Why would he think that?" Annabeth had grown quiet.

"Because earlier we had found a note," John had sat down on Mycroft's couch. "from Morarity, in your flat," he gestured to Annabeth "and then he texted Sherlock saying they needed to talk." Annabeth's cup shattered on the wooden floor making both the men jump about a foot into the air.

"I... I have to go!" She jumped up collecting some of the pieces onto a napkin before grabbing her coat.

"Annabeth what's going on?" Mycroft stole her keys before she could.

"Mycroft please I need to fix this!"

"What is this?" John came up crossing his arms.

"If you won't let me take my car, I'll take a taxi. I'll explain it all once I fix it Mycroft, now let me go!" He froze where he was, shocked. It was the first time she had ever truly yelled at Mycroft. She grabbed her keys out of his frozen hand and ran out the door.

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