Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It had been two weeks since Annabeth's engagement and she still couldn't think of a way to tell Mycroft. She and Sherlock had been over it a thousand times. Anyway they thought of ended with him flipping out. Jim was getting annoyed with how much time she was spending on this. He thought Ananbeth should just tell him. How hard could it really be?

"It's not like he could really do any damage to you!" Jim yelled one day

"He could arrest you! Or have you killed Jim! Personally I would rather that not happen!" Annabeth screamed back.

"He wouldn't go that far."

"You don't know my brother. He sent Sherlock away for killing a criminal. Think of what he would do to you."

"Sherlock can help you." Jim tried

"We've been trying." Annabeth fell on the couch exhausted. "I'm sorry this is taking long, but I'm trying to keep the casualties to a minimum."

Jim sighed they both hated fighting.

"Well maybe we should just tell him, and let him come back when he can."

"I don't know. I'm just afraid that he'll do something rash. It's so like him to overreact." Jim couldn't handle it anymore.

"So you value your relationship with your brother more than your relationship with me ?" He exploded

"What?" She stood up

"You would rather not tell him and just let this go on." He gestured to them both.

"Okay now you're overreacting."

"No I'm not." They stared at each other. Annabeth didn't know what to say.

"We shouldn't have to keep sneaking around like this. We're not teenagers. You're allowed to make your own decisions. Aren't you?" He asked

"Yes, but..."

"But what?" Jim interrupted her

"But nothing!" She started to cry. "I'm leaving right now!" His face softened.

"Annabeth..." He reached toward her

"No! No I'm going, I'll be back... Later I guess. Don't follow me!" She screamed most of it. Grabbing her coat Annabeth stormed out of the flat. She didn't know what was next. Neither did Jim. All he did know is when he opened the hand she had grabbed, in it was her ring.


After their fight Annabeth went to Sherlock's, thankful that Mycroft was also there. As soon as she saw them both she told My everything. Jim, the engagement, even the fight. She just couldn't handle it anymore, Jim was right in that aspect. This couldn't go on. Mycroft almost needed her to say it again he was so astonished. Sherlock was only concerned of what Moriarity would do next.

"Did he say anything before you left?" Sherlock asked pacing around the room.

"No." She replied. Sherlock started mumbling to himself, making strange hand movements.

"Let me see your phone!" He reached out to her and she grudgingly gave it to him. He started texting and walked out of the room. Leaving Annabeth, Mycroft, and John.

"Where's your ring?" John asked noticing it wasn't on her finger

"I gave it back to him." She said staring out the window with an expressionless face.

"Oh." John went and sat down in his chair.

"I can make arrangements for your things to be picked up if you'd like." Mycroft said trying so hard to be the big brother on this, but also trying not to.

"Just, can we get this sorted out first? Make sure no ones going to die!" She clenched her jaw. "It's fine right now My, I'm good." Mycroft looked concerned, but he let it go. His phone buzzed and he walked out of the room to take it just as Sherlock walked back in.

"Okay, will you be fine here for a couple of hours?" He said to Annabeth.

"Sherlock, you are not going to confront him about this!" She stood up and walked toward him.

"You've got a better idea?"

"Yes... Don't get yourself killed!"

"I'll be fine just stay here!" He towered over her, but they just stood there. Both of them. Like statues.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours. John stay here." And with that he grabbed his coat and left. Ignoring John's protest of being left to "babysit".


"Okay I'm going to check on him." Annabeth said, getting up to leave for just about the fifth time that night, before John got up and blocked the door.

"Nope! You heard your brothers! You can't risk it. You're staying here!"

"It's been three hours John! You can't tell me you're not worried." John sighed he was worried it was Moriarity, and they were both fuming, and Sherlock hadn't even texted. They didn't even know if he was alive. Annabeth gave up finally, and sat back down.

"I can't believe I was that stupid to even trust him in the first place." She ran her hands down her face and sighed.

"No..." John came and sat beside her. Putting his arm around her to comfort her. "You loved him... Love makes people do stupid things." He shrugged. It was true. Even if you love... a deranged criminal. They sat there for a little. Both extremely worried about Sherlock.

"I'm gonna take a nap." She looked shaky, but laid down with her feet facing the door. John got up, got the paper, and sat down in his chair. He checked his phone. Nothing. Putting his gun in his waistband John got up.

"God I hate you sometimes." He said to an invisible Sherlock. Before writing a quick note to Annabeth and hailing a cab.

Annabeth HolmesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang